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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please rank these companies, or suggest alternatives, as investment opportunities in the build out of the electric grid to accommodate changes in energy delivery - based on their current stock valuations.
Read Answer Asked by John on October 30, 2023
Q: An excerpt from Oaktree's quartley letters,concerning the US power grid, states:

The entire power grid needs to be updated and reimagined in many ways – some obvious and some that take more expertise to appreciate.

For example, substation equipment will need to be upgraded to handle renewable capacity additions. Tens of thousands of miles of overhead conductors will need to be replaced, and new lines will need to be built. And new distribution equipment, such as transformers, will need to be installed and serviced. In short, we believe investors should focus on the entire electric power value chain – from generation through consumption.

Could you please list some companies that you feel would benefit from the above changes.
Read Answer Asked by micheal on June 30, 2022
Q: I understand these stocks [and others] are involved in grid electrification and modernization. infrastructure modernization and digitization of industry.
Could you comment on which ones [and others] you would recommend with rationale. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by sam on February 10, 2022
Q: In looking for growth in US market over the next 5 years, would you kindly list these in order of preference, with consideration given to both th growth and risk. Market sector is not a consideration here. If you see a better alternative please do mention.
Read Answer Asked by Catherine Ann on June 14, 2021
Q: As retired farmers we have owned Caterpillar, Cummins and John Deere in our industrial sector for many years. We prefer companies to which we can understand and relate.
Have you suggestions of additional larger solid U.S. industrial companies with growth potential? We also are shareholders of aerospace sector companies NOC and RTX.
Thank you so much for your great service!!!
Read Answer Asked by Brian on April 07, 2021
Q: Hello Peter,
I would appreciate if you could compare and contrast MTZ and J from an investment perspective today. In light of the the US govt going 'big' on stimulus and spending; and the prospect of shift to growth at a reasonable price, how would you rank MTZ, J, TT and RTX with the best first.
Thank you in advance for your valuable opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on February 01, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan.
The US will try to open up the Economy and create employment. I remember they have talked about spending on infrastructure. I am looking for some opportunities there. Do you think CLF is a good mid/long term investment? What are your recommendations if not?
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Yiwen on May 21, 2020
Q: Hi 5I Team
I am looking for a US stock in the Global Infrastructure (like BIP.un) with growth & dividend only even low. (no distributions like .UN)
Thanks Best Regards

Read Answer Asked by Djamel on February 10, 2020
Q: Hi team,

In the US small or mid cap industrials, I am looking for promising high growth companies. What do you think of the following:

csl -n Carlisle Corp
hsc-n Harsco Corp
mtz-n MasTec Inc

Any other, better you could suggest ?

Have a good day,

Read Answer Asked by Jacques on June 14, 2019
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan,
Mastec Inc, an US company reported qrt earnings last night, raised its 2017 guidance, share went up after market trading. Today early trading its share went up more then 3.50 or 8%, but later it reversed to fall and ended up 3.00 drop in share price or 6.5%

I am holding this stock, and need your help to enlighten me what is the reason for the share price reversal.
Pls also give your thought for the outlook of this company.

Thank you for your professional advice as always.

Read Answer Asked by Pui on August 08, 2017
Q: Mastec reported a record quarter with eps of .99 against an estimate of 0.62 and increased its guidance as well. The stock spiked 7% but is now in a downward drift trading below the pre release prices. Could you direct me to any information or news that would help explain this downward pressure? Also, do you have an opinion on this company? Would you buy at these levels?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on August 08, 2017