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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would like your suggestion on an ETF for AI. I currently hold ROBO and it has done quite well. Consequently, I am looking at THNQ as well as BOTZ, IRBO and RBOT. Of these mentioned which would be your preference. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Stella on July 19, 2023
Q: What are your preferences for copper producers?
Is there an ETF that specialises in AI?
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on March 06, 2023
Q: Hi 5i team,

I am seeking to invest in AI and Cyber security funds. Could you please recommended some ETF names? My time horizon is 10+ years.
Read Answer Asked by Hale on February 16, 2023
Q: Artificial intelligence and cyber security. What are your 2 favourite etfs in each of these areas of investment ?
Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Philip on September 14, 2022
Q: Please recommend 4 index etf's Canadian for my TFSA and 4 US for my RRSP. If you recommend Bonds make it number 5 Looking at 15-20 year DRIP and hold.
Read Answer Asked by Cecil on June 30, 2021
Q: I have these stocks in varying amounts in my TFSA . I have decided to sell one, two or three names to fund a purchase. Which three would you sell first? Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by Frank on April 05, 2021
Q: If you had to pick 5 ETFs to fill an RRSP, for an investor with a 20+ year timeframe, which would you choose? To add a little context, mid 30's with a TFSA geared towards growth and I am comfortable with risk in that account. I also have a business account where I hold blue chip dividend paying stocks. Comfortable with risk in the RRSP as well but trying to find the sweet spot in between these two accounts.
Read Answer Asked by Mackenzie on February 18, 2021
Q: Do you foresee a significant increase in the use of robotics because of Covid? Would you be able to recommend a few companies involved in robotics? Alternatively is there an ETF dedicated to robotics?
Read Answer Asked by jacques on May 04, 2020
Q: what are the best companies to buy that will benefit from research and development of robotics? also is there an it there an ETF in this area that you like? thanks Richard
Read Answer Asked by richard on April 28, 2020
Q: Looking to add more exposure to companies in technology that will help drive growth of the economy not only in the near term but long term. Things like Software, AI, 5G, IOT, Self Driving Cars, etc. With HXQ ETF the pick is more the Nasdaq 100 which will contain a number of these companies. With ARKW and IGV looking at some speciality to help in the overall growth of my technology allocation. What are the thoughts on the 3 selected or do you have others you would recommend. Looking at ETF to get some broad exposure and reduce risk of picking individual stocks. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by RALPH on April 28, 2020
Q: Just wondering your general opinion on these 4 stocks that were rated 5 stars by Morningstar. Do you think any of them are interesting and how would you rate them. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Meghan on March 31, 2020
Q: Good afternoon, could you please suggest ETFs that would cover the fields of artificial intelligence and for cybersecurity? I’m guessing these will be mostly for US companies? Thanks


Read Answer Asked by alex on March 25, 2019
Q: Hi,I want to diversify my RSP which i already own a large position in Turtle Creek US Fund ,Barometer Global Macro Pool,and Edgehill International Advantage Fund and am thinking of adding the ETF's mentioned to this mix.
I am wondering your opinion on this group as a whole and if you would not endorse any of the additions i am planning.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on August 17, 2018
Q: Good Afternoon
Can you recommend any Canadian ETFs that cover the US and Global Technology besides QQQ, hedged and unhedged and preferrably being actively managed with low fees?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 23, 2018