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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Kraken announced a sizeable order today - $34M. The stock has recently sold off a bit but is up 14% today as of this writing. How material is the order? Was it expected? Have they updated their outlook for 2025? Out of 10, how would you rate the stock as a buy? I'm trying to decide whether to make it a full position.
Read Answer Asked on February 27, 2025
Q: Hi Peter,
My new strategy this yr is to buy growth stocks that have done public offerings to finance future growth in 2025/26. Can you think of any other names to add to this list?
Read Answer Asked by David on February 11, 2025
Q: Dear 5i
Could you please rank the above listed stocks from best ie most likely to be worth a lot more after 3-4 years to the least best ie more likely to not do as well over the same 3-4 year time period . I'm also assuming that when i say best i mean companys that not only have great growth profiles but also have descent management and solid products and /or services that will likely remain in high demand for years to come .
Thanks once again
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on February 06, 2025
Q: Hi 5i Team - How would you rate the management of Vitalhub, Kraken Robotics, Zedcore and MDA Space. I realize that this is somewhat of a subjective question so no specific number/letter grades are needed - general comments would be fine. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on January 28, 2025
Q: Would you consider Revenue Growth the leading indicator of a companies liklihood to succeed and grow its share price provided properly managed?

Seems todays most successful stock market darlings have all had tremendous revenue growth albeit not necessarily Profitable during their early days of rapid Revenue growth.

If I were to look for 2 or 3 US and Canadian Mid Cap companies most likely to lead the rest of the market with staggering Revenue growth over the next 2-5 years which do you think these might likely be?
Read Answer Asked by Craig on January 23, 2025
Q: Dear 5i
Could you provide me with the expected earnings growth rates for the year for the above mentioned stocks .
Also would your order of buying these stocks be the same order as the expected growth rates ? In other words are there any other significant factors to consider other than growth rate for the above stated stocks that might change your order of buying ? So considering the above what would your level of conviction be from highest to lowest for these listed stocks ?
Thanks again for your valuable assistance in the challenging world of stock picking . I'm pretty sure there are quite a few of us DIY investors that would be lost without the great advice from 5i Research .
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on January 23, 2025
Q: There was a recent very good Q&A asked by Dan that I can no longer find. He had requested a list of (7) quality companies in the $5B market cap range. I recall WELL, GSY and TVK as part of that group....can't remember the others.

I was hoping that you could find that list and rank them by:

- current valuation

- management quality (if known)

- growth potential

- balance sheet quality
Read Answer Asked by James on November 29, 2024
Q: Since the last question on PTK, it seems to go up and up. Has anything changed? Has 5is opinion changed?

They won "Best in Artificial intelligence" in the "Global Tech Awards". Does this mean anything? Looking at the judges for this organization, there does appear to be some people with some clout in there, but scrutinizing it a bit it seems to be very much marketing focused, and with 86 categories and 200 companies, not the broadest competition.

It looks like it spikes every couplefew months, followed by up to 20% retreat, and spikes again. I almost feel like swing trading this or something.

With your recent small cap likes, PNG, MDA, ZDC, and BRM, Would you please Rank them from best to worst with a solid entry price (I know you said MDA is good right now), expected growth for 2025, whether they're profitable (yes, no, or close), and a score of 1 - 10. (1 being moonshot, 10 Solid buy). IE {NVDA, profitable X%, 10} sort of thing.

All of these scores exclude the normal smallcap risks etc (i understand that MDA is considerably larger, and is primarily in here for comparison purposes)

Thanks a tonne, James
Read Answer Asked by James on November 29, 2024
Q: A previous question was answered on expected PNG earnings. The concensus was provided. Estimates EPS 1c; revenue $24.05M. Expected November 13 (not officially announced, however). Does 5i have a different view? What are your expectations? Since the bought deal closed a week ago, the stock has been very strong. Is it getting ahead of itself? Is it best to sit and see what happens with earnings before buying?
Read Answer Asked on November 11, 2024