Q: I loaded these three ETFs into a dummy Globe & Mail Portfolio with a mock purchase date of January 2, 2018. The output returns to date are CLF (4.5%), ZAG (4.5%) and HYGH (10%). Why did HYGH do so well or is the Globe utility having issues?
Q: Dear 5i;
With regards to the latest conservative ETF portfolio ;
With the average yield of all the ETF`s being 3.23%, is this before MER`s are taken into account or after ?
Also what's your rational for using HYGH vs XHY ?
Also tax loss selling generally only applies to non-registered accounts correct ?Please deduct several points .
Bill C.
Q: I am trying to clean up my portfolio a bit by reducing the number of holdings. For the fixed income portion I have 5 different bond funds (CBO, XBB, XHY, CVD, HYGH). Is there enough overlap with either of these that I should consolidate any, or would you suggest any different ETFs to simplify the fixed income portion of my portfolio?