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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you recommend some Value ETFs for Canada, US and International. Ideally looking for ETFs with reasonable MERs.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on July 19, 2023
Q: I have stayed away from bonds but recently I think it's time to allocate some funds to bonds. I have holdings in VANGUARD ALL-EQ ETF PTFL (VEQT) and VANGUARD GL VAL FACTR ETF (VVL) and would like to divert these funds into all-in-one ETF funds with 60-40 equity-bond funds. What do you suggest?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on May 17, 2023
Q: Hi,

Is the rotation into the value sector done? or do you think it is still a good idea to stay/buy into value plays.

If so, what is your favourite value ETF in North America and Globally as well. I gave the above ETFs as a guide and please don't be limited to these choices.

Thanks .
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on January 10, 2023
Q: If you were to sell any of the above, list in order your top 5 or 6. Or would you keep the portfolio as is for next 3 years.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on March 04, 2022
Q: Thank you for answering my question on Value ETFs. on February 9th. You had mentioned DFIV, IVLU and VBR in your selection but didn't include VVL.

I was wondering if this omission of VVL was intentional with some reason behind it or just a slip from your meory.

Few months ago to one of questions, you had mentioned that VVL has done well because it included banks. Do you think US banks still a value play?

Thanks in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on February 15, 2022
Q: I have been working on updates to the growth portion of my portfolio. On the other side, I need to add a significant value component which I find much harder to do. I seacrhed for value ETFs and found VTV and XCV. Can you comment on these and could please suggest/recommend alternatives? Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on December 15, 2021
Q: Dear 5i Team,

Thank you for your customary clear cut answers to my earlier questions on Energy sector. Your cautious approach has tempered my enthusiastic embrace of energy stocks and overweighting them in my portfolio.

Which in turn leads me to ask this question:

Which sector at this time you see having positive momentum? How to play that sector via an ETF? I am looking at 1 to 2 years. Should I just buy an ETF like VMO or its equivalent and forget about fine tuning? If possible please suggest alternatives to VMO. (See below!)

Also along the same lines, do you see a sector rotation, from momentum to value? (VVL) I see the 1 yr return on VVL 49% is better than VMO's (32.5% )! Am I missing something here? I thought the last year was a banner year for the momentum stocks.

Thanks in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on December 09, 2021
Q: I am trying to find a good Emerging Markets Value ETF. I'm looking for something to compliment VWO which I already have. I see Pimco has an ETF PEIFX but I can't find much trading information on this one when I am on the Yahoo Canada site. Is there something similar that you might recommend ?
Read Answer Asked by James on September 28, 2021
Q: Dear 5i,
Can you please suggest some Global Small Cap Value ETF's or Funds which are available in either US or CDN exchanges that are worth doing more reading on.
The ETF's can be passive or active.

Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 11, 2021
Q: what value / cyclical suggestions do you have ETF wise?

Would one play a DOW ETF or the Russell?
or Canadian ETFs ?

Read Answer Asked by Mark on June 01, 2021
Q: Thanks for your previous response confirming these etfs cover major asset classes and geographies for an RSP with 5 years to retirement. Could you please suggest a couple of etf alternatives that could be added to provide a little more torque with a 5 year timeframe. A brief explanation for each would be appreciated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on February 16, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and team,

I'm overweight tech and underweight the US and international by a lot.

I hold XAW at roughly 20% in my RRSP.
Currently have 13k in cash and will have another 15k once PEO shares get tendered in a LIRA account.

Can you recommend an ETF or two that can address both my problems. One that has zero to very minimal tech exposure, no canadian exposure. Preferably trading on the TSX.



Read Answer Asked by Rino on January 14, 2021
Q: This is about Value play through ETFs.
Two questions. Assuming that Value as opposed to growth is going to get traction in 2021.

1. Small cap value or Large cap value going forward.

2. Which ones from my picks above you think are worth considering. Any favourites?

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on January 06, 2021
Q: My portfolio is moderately balanced, and do not include internet or technological Cdn values ( as SHOP,CSU,OTEX,BB,KXS,ENGH,LSPD,etc…),or equivalent US stocks. The main reason are that : 1) I feel that prices and ratios are very high 2) My objective is a ” safe mix” of revenues and growth 3) It seems impossible to predict wich Cies will be the “winners” in the future in this new trend 4) I tend to keep stocks and ETF for long term (not too much surveillance needed ) .Do you have any suggestion (stock or ETF) ,and general point of view ? many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on December 08, 2020
Q: Hello:
We are hearing a lot of chatter about the switch to Value stocks; away from growth stocks.
What are your favourite Value stocks ETFs in Canada and the US. Both for small caps and large caps.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on December 04, 2020