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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please comment on investiability or otherwise of the following companies by ranking them from 1-10. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 24, 2024
Q: I’m curious about IFOS. A guest on BNN recently described it as a smaller but more promising alternative to NTR. It’s selling for about $1 as I write this but it used to trade close to $400 per share. I certainly wouldn’t mind owning a 400-bagger, if possible, but before I step in I’d like to know what caused the overwhelming loss of value as well as your general opinion on this company and its outlook. It hasn’t stopped falling in price and the P/E is only around 2 (according to Google). Isn't it a red flag when the multiple is so low?

Also, the guest said that NTR wouldn’t do well in a recession and I’m wondering why and whether the same would be true of IFOS.

Please deduct as many credits as necessary. Thanks very much for your comments.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 05, 2018