Q: How would you rank the following four companies at current valuations? Which ones would you be comfortable buying a full position in?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: See any reason to not add at these prices? I have a half position.
Q: Please comment on earning. Thanks a million.
Q: In March you indicated a preference for EQB over VBNK. Do you still feel that way?
Q: Any news on whats happening with Versabank?
Thanks for all the good work.
Cheers, Chris
Thanks for all the good work.
Cheers, Chris
Q: Versabank recently made a new 52 week hi. Is this a company with a substancial growth and profitability platform ahead and one you would suggest as a timely investment?
Q: With their US acquisition all but effectively locked (only Canadian regulator to go), is this a good buy? For small cap growth over the next year or two?
Q: Your comments please on their quarterly results and outlook moving forward. Thanks.
Q: I was just looking at VBNK. The company's performance data looks extremely compelling, And also company insider buying is extensive ; more than what I ever recall seeing on any of the companies I follow. Could you please provide me with an analysis of the investment merits of the company. Also could you compare this company for potential purchase with EQB. What would be your preference, or would a position in both be advisable? Thanks.
Q: Hi Peter,
Can you rank (and why) these three stocks for a +5yr hold in terms of risk/reward?
Can you rank (and why) these three stocks for a +5yr hold in terms of risk/reward?
Q: Can I have your views on the latest quarter. The market seems to like the results. Tnx
Q: I have previously asked about VBNK and you were cautious. Can you update the November 2022 remarks based on its latest Q release, which to my non-financial training looked very strong. Thanks for all you do
Q: What do you think about this bank's prospects higher in the short term and long term, Team?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Q: Can I get your take on q4 and moving forward with this name please. Thanks
Q: Your comments on Versabank? Is it a buy, sell or hold? How does it compare to eqb which you recently added to one of the model portfolios. Would you sell vbnk to purchase eqb? Thanks
Q: Hi 5i, only one question ever on VBNK (note new ticker - your system says VB) and it's an old one. I bought years ago, sold 25% at over 100% profit, failed to sell more, watched it descend, now just doubled down. I'm not trained in finance but to me the income statement over 4 years is good (though some expenses up), balance sheet is good to strong, cash flow good but two indicators (investing cash flow and financing cash flow) are negative, and operating cash flow has slowed (down 50% over 4 years). Nicely profitable, low debt, good business model, expanding into US (hopefully a good thing!), what's not to like?
Thanks for all you do
Thanks for all you do
Q: I see there hasn't been a question asked about Versa Bank since December, 2021. How is the bank doing now and where do you see it going in the future? What are your recommendations regarding Versa Bank as of April, 2022?
Thank you!
Thank you!
Q: I’ve done well with VB the last couple of years, however i’m thinking of switching to SQ for higher growth moving forward. Would you endorse such a move? Thank you..
- POET Technologies Inc. (PTK)
- DIRTT Environmental Solutions Ltd. (DRT)
- Blackline Safety Corp. (BLN)
- VersaBank (VBNK)
- Volatus Aerospace Inc. (FLT)
- The Lovesac Company (LOVE)
Q: Hello,
What are your current 'best ideas' in the micro to small cap space, 5 in Canada and 5 in the US for a 5 year hold that have a market cap of at or below $1 billion market cap, are founder-led, have high insider ownership and high forecasted annual revenue growth (greater than 20%/yr)? Thank you.
What are your current 'best ideas' in the micro to small cap space, 5 in Canada and 5 in the US for a 5 year hold that have a market cap of at or below $1 billion market cap, are founder-led, have high insider ownership and high forecasted annual revenue growth (greater than 20%/yr)? Thank you.
Q: Please help me understand why Versabank has popped on the pricing of thier US public offering at $10US (12.80CAD). I would have thought it would trade close to the 12.80 price today but it has been trading at 13.50-15.00. Thanks Rob