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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I presently own Mawer US equity 108 and 150 global small caps
Would like your recommendations as to buying two more Mawer funds that are down a lot and may have some good upside in the next two/three years
Alternatively can you recommend an ETF instead of the mawer funds you choose since the etf would have lower fees
Finally would You choose the Mawer funds over the ETFs you recommend in spite of the higher Mawer fees with the expectation of better returns from Mawer ?
I would like to purchase with Canadian dollars
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Indra on March 17, 2022
Q: Looking at the above MAWER funds which I believe you still like in the Mutual Fund field. I am interested in MAW 108 which is US Equity. MAW 120 is I think 56% US/ Canada with several of the holdings the same as in MAW 108 and 33 % Europe. MAW 102 seems to be 65% Europe incl UK ,27% Far East and only 5% US.So would MAW 108 and MAW 102 be a better combo? I guess it is a question of whether one thinks Europe will perform better than the US . Thanks for any help.Paul
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 10, 2020
Q: Hello!
Wanting to increase foreign exposure and wondering if now would still be a good time to enter any of these names. Since China appears to have Covid more under control is this a good place to invest especially in consumer discretionary. If entering these names does one wait for pullback or enter now. As well, is it better to go with a mutual fund as opposed to ETFs for international/emerging market exposure?
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 16, 2020
Q: On yahoo finance charts, When I compare Mawer global equity fund vs enzl/ewl it shows that it outperforms those etfs.

But If you consider the currency conversion is it fair to say enzl and ewl have outperformed the Mawer Global fund?
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on May 22, 2020
Q: Hello 5i: Thank you for holding our hands during this difficult time, it is much appreciated. I ask about the Mawer funds, in particular 104, 150, 102. I hold these funds in a RRIF and as all above purchase price I ask if you would keep these funds or are there vehicles that have more potential upside? Thank you Barb
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on April 27, 2020
Q: I enrolled in Portfolio analytics and found that your system does not recognize several of my holdings:
ishares msci switzerland etf
ishares msci netherlands etf
ishares msci japan etf
How can I include these holdings in my portfolio Analytics and do you have any comments on them. My inclination is to get rid of the fee based mutual funds and find something cheaper and with a better record
Read Answer Asked by Henry on May 01, 2019
Q: Could I get your opinion on the potential for VIGI. I am looking for safety with modest growth in my RIF. Is it dependent on Brexit or mainly just the European economy? I also hold MAW102 and VIG which have both performed better than VIGI. I have considered selling VIGI and investing the proceeds 50/50 in the other two. Comment and suggestions appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Doug on February 13, 2019
Q: Good morning,
I'm 70 years old and with yet a new year upon us and a review of the holdings in my non reg equity portfolio, I'm concerned that my $650K non reg equity portfolio has slowly grown into a "hodge podge" of miscellaneous holdings that need to be trimmed, better concentrated (minimum 5% per holding) along with the addition of a few additional names in sectors that are not currently represented. My current holdings are as follows:
AQN (3.3%),BCE (11.6%)BAM.A(3.8%),CU (4.5%),DIV(2.8%),EMA (2.4%),KEY(2.2%),XIU(5.2%),XIC (33.2%),XDV(18.4%),SLF(3.6%),T(2.9%),T(2.9%),MAW120(3.1%)MAW102(3%).
I would very much appreciate your suggestions on how to best to adjust my current non reg equity portfolio to make it easier to manage and follow. I'm open to adding an appropriate mix of ETFs or Mawer equity funds as need be. My RRSP and TFSA are pretty much all populated with a mix of relatively low MER Mawer equity funds which have performed well over the years. I thank you in advance and look forward to hearing your sage advice and recommendations.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on January 09, 2019
Q: Hi Peter & Ryan, Is there any ETF'S in Canada that could replicate the above Mawer funds in performance.
Thanks, as always, for your great service
Read Answer Asked by Ivan on August 14, 2018
Q: Hi Peter & Team,
Would this be a good portfolio of Mawer Funds for a time frame of at least 15 years, or is there something I am missing or could be improved upon.
Thanks for your input
Read Answer Asked by Ivan on March 14, 2018
Q: I own NBC7603 - Meritage International Equity Portfolio - which represents ~4.5% of my cash account. I am thinking of replacing it with MAW102 as the MER is lower ( 2.8% for NBC7603 vs 1.43% for MAW102). I would have a good capital gain which I could offset with a large contribution to my RRSP (I haven't made any contributions in a couple of years).
Instead would you suggest a Canadian ETF which would have a similar exposure and a lower MER such as XAW( World except Canada), VEE (emerging markets) or XEF (MSCI EAFE)?
Season's greetings to the 5i team !
Read Answer Asked by Elaine on December 15, 2017
Q: Hi 5i, I am looking for a relatively safe environment in view of future interest rate increases. Please rate the above list, also can you tell me if there are any withdrawing charges in the Mawers. Perhaps suggesting other ones you prefer. I am 85 year young and like to have safety with some income. Like the new changes, many thanks for your help. J.A.P, Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on November 10, 2017