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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you please give me your current thoughts on Northern Dynasty Minerals. In August you mentioned that their Pebble project once again has a way forward. They continue to move slowly forward on getting the project permitted. With Alaskas current heavy dependency on oil jobs and revenue in serious decline, mineral projects will become ever more important source of revenue for them.
As always thanks for the great insights and advice.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 19, 2020
Q: Good day gentlemen,
Do you have an opinion on this company?. Is it a single project company or does it have any producing mines? Can you speak to its potential share price if permitting materializes for Alaska project and your opinion as to the probability of this permitting occurring? Any other significant risks of an investment in this company other than commodity price?
Thx for the great work!
Read Answer Asked by Giuseppe on October 25, 2017