Q: Can you give your updated opinion on COV.V after its run since your comments over 6 months ago? If you were wanting to take a microcap position in these stocks, what order would that be in? Thx
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Hi there, is Covalon a good turn around stock here? Would you be a buyer at these levels? Thanks!
Q: I have been hanging on to Covalon as it is in my RIF. Is there any future for this Company, or should it be disposed of to the graveyard littered with broken Companies?
Thank you Gordo
Thank you Gordo
Q: Please comments on Cov, sell or hold? Thanks
Q: Due to closing out a Trust account I ended up with some shares of Covalon. Although way off their highs they seem to be hanging in. What is your opinion about this Company? Sell or add? Thank you.
Covalon Technologies Ltd. (COV)
Questor Technology Inc. (QST)
Methanex Corporation (MX)
Open Text Corporation (OTEX)
Knight Therapeutics Inc. (GUD)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Exco Technologies Limited (XTC)
ECN Capital Corp. (ECN)
Maverix Metals Inc. (MMX)
Xebec Adsorption Inc. (XBC)
Alteryx Inc. Class A (AYX)
Q: Good morning, I have 32 positions spread between the two TFSA's that I manage. I'd like to get that down to 25. The above are holdings that have fallen to less than half positions and I'm wondering if you could suggest 6 or 7 for removal. Also are there any that you would add to in order to bring them up to half positions. Secondly, without knowing my weightings, do you have a suggested sector or two for this years TFSA contribution?
Q: A bit of a blast to the past....I have held on to Covalon following its dramatic decline. from a long time ago. It has been bumping up in the last while and is now over $2.00. Do you have any insight into why it has been increasing? Any thought about its prospects going forward? Would you want to add to a very small current position? Many thanks for your excellent service.
Q: Would you please comment on the recent sale of one of its product lines by Covalon. The market liked it in terms of share price, but where does that leave the company going forward. I own it, would you sell or hold at this time. Thanks.
Q: Good day,
Based on the latest information, is it worth while to hold on to COV.
Best Regards,
Based on the latest information, is it worth while to hold on to COV.
Best Regards,
Q: Hi 5i I noticed COV moved thru the 200 sma. Is this one still in the dust bin?
Q: do you see any chance of a recovery for these two stocks, or best just to move on? they are in a RRSP account so no chance for tax loss.
thanks Dave
thanks Dave
Q: The Company has sent out their year end shareholder information for the AGM. I note that three insiders own approx 51% of the Company.
Additionally, the Company has stated that it is reviewing all options and has created a committee to do so.
My question for 5i is, if the three majority shareholders wished to take the Company private, how would that occur, is there a threshold they would need to take it private, and what options are there for a shareholder?
Additionally, the Company has stated that it is reviewing all options and has created a committee to do so.
My question for 5i is, if the three majority shareholders wished to take the Company private, how would that occur, is there a threshold they would need to take it private, and what options are there for a shareholder?
Q: Any comments on Covalon's announcement of a strategic review? Thank-you.
Covalon Technologies Ltd. (COV)
Chartwell Retirement Residences (CSH.UN)
Knight Therapeutics Inc. (GUD)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Novo Nordisk A/S (NVO)
PowerShares S&P SmallCap Health Care Portfolio (PSCH)
Q: I'm looking for some ideas on how to strengthen my healthcare holdings, which only account for 5% of my portfolio. I have a full position in NVO, half positions in CSH.UN and SIS, and have just started to build a position in the PSCH small cap health care fund. GUD and COV are technically present, but both are losers and small enough to ignore/sell.
Q#1: What additions/changes would you suggest for a retired person who is in pretty solid financial shape (5 year holding horizon, can tolerate some risk, but not aiming to shoot out the lights)?
Q#2: What percentage of the total portfolio would you aim to put in healthcare these days? It seems like there are a lot of developments in this field.
Q#1: What additions/changes would you suggest for a retired person who is in pretty solid financial shape (5 year holding horizon, can tolerate some risk, but not aiming to shoot out the lights)?
Q#2: What percentage of the total portfolio would you aim to put in healthcare these days? It seems like there are a lot of developments in this field.
Q: Hello,
I’m sitting on a 50% loss with COV.
What’s a high torque small cap you’d replace it with that would have a better chance of recouping some of my loss? I’m sure it will pop the moment I hit the SELL button. Readers: this may be a signal to buy. lol
I’m sitting on a 50% loss with COV.
What’s a high torque small cap you’d replace it with that would have a better chance of recouping some of my loss? I’m sure it will pop the moment I hit the SELL button. Readers: this may be a signal to buy. lol
Q: Looks like the company has made a turn around. Can you comment on their conference and financial performance.
Thank you for explanation
Thank you for explanation
Q: I wanted to thank all of you and your hard work that you all do at 5i. I was just wondering how the quarter was for Covalon and did the conference call go as expected?
Covalon Technologies Ltd. (COV)
Methanex Corporation (MX)
Seven Generations Energy Ltd. class A common shares (VII)
Vermilion Energy Inc. (VET)
Q: With a 75% loss in the above companies, is it advisable to hold for a five year period for a good return on the present value as the sale proceeds would be quite small.
Q: What is your current view of this company.
Thank you
Thank you
Q: Hi,
Having to choose to keep one of these 2 stocks COV or BYL. Which one would be the keeper and why?
Thank you
Having to choose to keep one of these 2 stocks COV or BYL. Which one would be the keeper and why?
Thank you