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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: With 17% of my portfolio invested in these US ETFs, I'm thinking about adding another 5-10%. However, I'm wary of the Trump implications. All of the above are near 52-week highs. As a long term investor, should I not worry about timing the market, or is it advisable to wait a bit before investing in the US? Is XUS worth buying or am I fine sticking with VUN, if I go ahead and invest in the US?
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on December 23, 2016
Q: This am BNN suggested the best sectors going forward to benefit from "Trumpism" would be: Banks, Lifecos, Health, Industrials, Energy and Materials.
Does 5i agree with these sectors and if yes what stocks/ETFs would you recommned for the six sectors?
Also do u believe the tech selloff will get much worse - seems like end of year profit taking or sector rotation into energy et.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by George on December 02, 2016