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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking for income and some growth,but income is more important. With that in mind what are favorite ETFs in the following areas ?
International ,excluding North America
US small cap.
US large cap.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Philip on July 18, 2024
Q: What would be your top thee picks for US Market ETFs today and why? (10+ year hold)

Read Answer Asked by Kyle on July 17, 2024
Q: HI Everyone,

My portfolios (Non-Registered, RRIF, TFSA) consist of only 100% Canadian equities and Cash. I am retired and would finally like to add some excitement and diversity to my holdings. Can you please suggest some Global/International or US ETF's and/or other funds that I could consider.

In my current mish-mash of holdings; I presently own: BCE, T, ENB, AP.un,H&R-un,BN, CSU, TOI, LMN, EDV, K, VET, WSP, LSPD, Anergia, Copperleaf, Softchoice, ATD, and WSP, etc.

Thanks very much,

Read Answer Asked by Dean on July 10, 2024
Q: I will be providing some funds for my grandson to invest in the market. My grandson is 15 years old and is interested in investing some funds for his retirement years (40+ year time frame). He has indicated that he has a moderate to aggressive investment risk level. Please provide your top 5 large cap ETFs and top 5 small cap ETFs with a comment on each ETF. Please provide your top 5 large cap companies and top 5 small cap companies with a comment on each company. Please include general comments on the anticipated returns for the ETFs and companies. Thank you. We
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 04, 2024
Q: I will be providing some funds for my grandson to invest in the market. My grandson is 13 years old and has indicated that he has a moderate to aggressive investment risk level. He would like to invest funds and hold the investments for approximately 10 years. For a 10 year hold, would you recommend moderate to high risk companies/ETFs over low risk companies/ETFs? My grandson is considering investing in ETFs and/or individual companies. Please provide your top 5 moderate risk ETFs, top 5 high risk ETFs, top 5 moderate risk companies and top 5 high risk companies with a brief comment on each investment. Please provide a general comment on the typical performance of ETFs vs individual companies. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 02, 2024
Q: Hi,
Brian asked about private equity on June 25. In your response you mention that private equity is not correlated to other assets. I am looking at the 10 year performance of PSP vs. SPY and their charts move up and down in almost perfect parallel (pre-COVID run ups, COVID crashes, post-COVID run ups, etc.), with PSP returning 93% and SPY 234%. On a 4-5 year time scale, PSP/SPY/NGPE move up and down in parallel as well. I am struggling to find a reason to invest in a private equity ETF based on this. Is it because an ETF, regardless of what it is investing in, is in fact correlated since it is traded like any other equity?
Thank you for all the great information your provide, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 26, 2024
Q: Crystal ball question: Would you buy XUS now or wait a little? Any other ETF or stocks you would suggest for US exposure in RIF? Much Thanks for your comments.
Read Answer Asked by Hali on June 24, 2024
Q: Good afternoon, Please recommend your 3 favourite international equity ETFs (without US holdings) and your 3 favourite US market ETFs. I already own QQQ which represents approx. 10% of my RRSP (in US dollars). Further, what are your thoughts on investing in the US market in US dollars (converted using Norbert Gambit) vs. Cnd. dollars? Is there an approach which has generated better results? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by bernie on June 07, 2024
Q: If using your balanced portfolio as my canadian content for an equity portfolio could you please recommend some equity etfs for ex canadian content and what % would be canadian of the total portfolio? I was thinking 40% and 60% outside canada

Read Answer Asked by blake on June 06, 2024
Q: Hi there - between these 2 etfs, which would you consider the better buy hold forever etf? Is there a better buy a hold forever etf other than these 2?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 05, 2024
Q: a sunlife life insurance policy was purchased for grandchildren as an investment for them on the advice of a financial planner- I am embarrassed to say so far $9000 in annual premiums has been paid, with 11 more remaining before the policy is paid in full. If I cancel this policy it will be a loss. However; the dollars which would have gone to sunlife could be used for a better investment. Your suggestions would be welcomed. Thank you- (P.S.- I submitted this ? a moment ago-but my screen went black so I don't no if the ? was sent the first time)
Read Answer Asked by jane on May 29, 2024
Q: XSP is the CDN hedged version of the S&P 500 which should match the performance of SPY (the S&P 500 in US dollars) over the same time period. However XSP has significantly underperformed SPY eg the compounded annual performance of XSP for the period ending April 30/24 for 3 years, 5 years and 10 years is 6.71%. 11.45% and 10.98% respectively. The corresponding nos for SPY are 7.94%, 13.09% and 12.30% ie XSP has underpermed by 1.23%/year for 3ys, 1.64%/year for 5 years and 1.32% for 10 years. Both ETFS have the same MER of 0.09%- Blackrock indicates that the cost of hedging is included in their MER but this cannot be the case. Is the real cost of hedging with XSP as high as 1.23-1.64%/year? There should a small tracking error but these differnces in performance are siginficant and consistently in favour of SPY
Read Answer Asked by Lakis on May 22, 2024
Q: VFV vs. VOO:
I understand VFV ETF contains VOO ETF, correct? What would you recommend, buy VFV in CDN $ account, or convert CDN$ cash in US$ cash using Norbit gambit and buy VOO in US account with US$? Any other recommendation for ETF to invest in US S&P500?
Read Answer Asked by Naren on May 07, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i
I have a couple of follow up questions to yesterday’s question regarding a US replacement for vbal. You suggested a combination of spy and a bond fund. What would be an appropriate bond etf for this strategy? I imagine you would be indifferent between spy and voo for stocks? Is there any way to calculate the tax hit in a non registered account. Currently I have non dividend paying stocks in this account to avoid withholding tax. But, i guess if you follow this strategy you have to take the tax bite as part of the package.
With appreciation
Read Answer Asked by joseph on April 29, 2024
Q: Good morning 5i
I sent in a question but it must have gotten lost over te weekend. A member recently said that if he should become incapacitated he left instructions for his wife to sell all stocks and buy vbal, as she was not interested in stocks and this would be a solution.
There are probably many of us in this situation. But,i wonder if one would not be better to sell gradually while alive and capable. After all, you will bot get the big tax hit. Also, in case of the death of one partner, it maybe better to start selling earl, even though it involves capital gains. Because the tax on the one remaining spouse , without the benefit of income splitting will be very high.

One problem i have with this plan is that i have a lot in US dollars. And i want to keep them. One solution i thought woul be to put much more in berkshire. But I don’t know of any US etf that works like vbal. Would you have suggestions on this?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on April 25, 2024