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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: how much of sales are to the us, with cfx, how much will the tariffs affect the bottom lines of forest companies. On a side note it is nice to see Canadians pulling together, I for one will try not to buy any us products I willing to pay more for Canadian products
Read Answer Asked by auftar on February 04, 2025
Q: Peter et al:
I have big losses on canfor pulp and western forest products, and have included them in my tax loss selling? Should I buy them back? Interest in these stocks has completely subsided, which makes me think that in a few years when the price is up a lot, we will hear about them every day! Please advise, with a detailed explanation. Also, would you kindly render your opinions on canfor , which Jimmy Pattison wanted so badly, and now no one mentions. Also, opinions on Interfor, and WFG, which you like a lot more, but never get any questions about. A big shortage in housing, and lumber stocks in the dumpster!!!!. They will have their day in the sun. Help me to determine that time frame. Charge me accordingly. Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 08, 2023
Q: Hi Team
What are your feelings about these 2 stocks Qtrh has taken a beating the last week, all I can see is that the ceo has resigned or has been fired. I don't see this as such a negative, since the stock has not fared well. They always babble about a spin-off, but nothing happens
Cfx is also down, I know that they closed some plants, how does the future look?
Read Answer Asked by auftar on March 28, 2023
Q: CFX Canfor Pulp is down near 52 week lows. I know that it is not a very sexy industry and that no one is interested in this type of stock but I also remember some sage advice is to buy commodity stocks when they are hated (or at least off of everybodiy'radar) and wait for the interest to return (usually with a couple of quarters of good earnings). This stock has a cycle of two years of good earning followed by a poor year of earnings, and last year was not that great. They are now down to two pulp mills and I hope there is enough fiber to feed those two (it seems like Prince George is where there is a shortage of cheap fiber). I assume that the costs associated with the closing of a mill at the end of this quarter will not show up until quarters 2 or 3. Right or Wrong assumption? There will be severance package costs, human resource costs and I guess some sort of care and maintenence costs with the actual plant. Will permanently laying off 300 workers be a big one-time cost to the income statement or is it relatively insignficant? So should I run from this off the radar stock or keep an on it (or make an offer)?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 01, 2023
Q: I own the following Canadian Stocks in my RRSP and TFSA and 20% is in cash to invest when there are opportunities in the market.

Which ones from the above list would you pick as your Top 3 choices to add to at today's prices, and the reasons why you like them.

Are there any on the list above that you would consider selling and the reasons why.

Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by ALNOOR on March 18, 2022
Q: With lumber and panel board prices once again rising and producer valuations seemingly low could I please get 5i’s opinion on the sector and possibly a couple of recommendations to look at.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Les on March 08, 2022
Q: With Danaher being in the news, I'm reminded that the founders of DHR are they guys behind CFX, which has been struggling.

With 5i always discussing how important good management is, do the guys behind CFX warrant investment despite the poor track record of the stock price? What are your thoughts on CFX in general?

Read Answer Asked by Cameron on February 28, 2019