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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: these 4 holdings are held in equal weight in a RRSP account and have some US cash and wonder what you think the best ETF would be to complement what is currently owned?
Read Answer Asked on July 15, 2019
Q: In my registered accounts I have a full position in VGG. Doing very well.
In my US account I hold WMT. Gone from $98 to $112 over a relatively short period of time.Thinking of cashing in and buying VIG.
Ignore sector allocation. Purely for performance ,dividend growth and a little more diversification .WMT seems to have done well in its competition with Amazon. Has it run out of steam.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on July 05, 2019
Q: We have( for me) a quite large sum of money invested in managed products. Any new money is going into Canadian equities ( 30%) following your portfolios and a mix of ETF roughly
30% USA at 10% SPY, 10% VIG, 10%IWO
30% International currently VE
10% emerging currently VEE
( I know "where is your fixed income" you ask, my spouse has a federal government pension which I count as our fixed income)
To date these sums are relatively small. As I start to shift large sums from our managed products to my self managed portfolio ( following the above ratios) I am ok with the mix in the USA spread to 3 etfs run by 3 different companies. With the international and emerging I am a bit concerned about putting all that cash with one fund (and company). Is this concern silly or should I have some diversification within my ETF holdings ( both in terms of funds and companies). For example instead of having 30% of my holdings in VE I would split it 15% VE and 15% XEF. So I guess the short questions are:

1. What is the max an investor should have in any one ETF( %)
2. What is the max an investor should have with any one company ( $ or %)
Read Answer Asked by Tom on June 12, 2019
Q: For the purpose of simplicity I would like your opinion on these 3 ETF portfolios.
My idea is to rebalance 1 / year.
non registered: VFV 30% VDU 30% VAB 40%
TFSA: VFV 50% VDU 50%
RRSP: VOO 30% VIG 30% IWO 30% VAB 10%
Any suggestions as to changing the etf's used for better tax purposes ?
Are there better etf's that you would recommend using?
Thanks for your help .
Read Answer Asked by Anna on June 05, 2019
Q: Total portfolio $632000: 2 RRIF’s, 2 TFSA’s , 1 non registered C$ account and 1 non registered U$ account.
In registered accounts 4.3% of total portfolio In VGG.
In non registered U$ account WMT with BV of
U$ 9294.55.
If sold at today’s MV would return 10.3% in a little less than 6 months.
What is your opinion on selling WMT and using funds plus additional cash of 6000U$ to buy
This would make approx 7% in US.
I also own , what I consider quasi US, AQN in TFSA and ENB in several of the accounts.
Appreciate your input.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on April 16, 2019
Q: I'm overweight financials and thinking of selling my US holding BAC and ORI and switching to a US dividend ETF such as DGRO. Any other suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on April 10, 2019
Q: Good day team ,looking for advice on dividend fund or etf for rsp.i have agf series q interpipeline and sentry energy funds for longer timeframe i have 10 g to ad not sure on what ,thanks for all the great help my investments choices are better since joining your team
Read Answer Asked by Norman on March 18, 2019
Q: I am wondering about the appropriateness of your Balanced ETF fund being held in either RRSP or TFSA from a tax perspective.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on February 14, 2019
Q: Could I get your opinion on the potential for VIGI. I am looking for safety with modest growth in my RIF. Is it dependent on Brexit or mainly just the European economy? I also hold MAW102 and VIG which have both performed better than VIGI. I have considered selling VIGI and investing the proceeds 50/50 in the other two. Comment and suggestions appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Doug on February 13, 2019
Q: Hello Peter and Team
my question pertains to my US trading account invested in all stocks. I have done well so far. Now I want to switch to all ETFs portfolio for more stability and less maintenance in the medium and long terms. I intend to buy the above for 20% each.
Please let me know if my strategy and choices make sens and do not hesitate to provide suggestions and adjustments.
I value your opinion as always.
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on February 08, 2019
Q: Hi,
I want to increase my US and International equity exposure by using $US ETFs (VIG and VXUS respectively) but the Canadian dollar is pretty weak right now (improving slightly lately). Does it make sense to convert to $US for this investment (long-term horizon) when there could well be significant headwinds if the Canadian dollar continues to strengthen. Also, valuations are higher in the US than in Canada, but International looks to be relatively cheap. Thoughts on how to proceed?
Regards, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 05, 2019
Q: Could you give me your top picks for US dividend ETF's?


Read Answer Asked by Joe on February 04, 2019
Q: Hi,
I am struggling with a decision and would appreciate your opinion please. I would like to increase my US and International equity exposure using ETFs in US dollars that I already own (VIG and VXUS).
The Canadian dollar is obviously very weak right now. Does it make sense to convert Canadian dollars to US and adding to US dollar ETFs right now, or should I be using equivalents that trade in Canadian dollars? If the latter, would you kindly suggest the two ETFs that I should consider?
I know you like foreign currency as another form of diversification and I agree. I realize there is a FX prediction inherent in this question: if the CDN dollar strengthens, that creates headwinds for US-denominated investments.
What do you suggest?
Thank you. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 04, 2019
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and team,
Could you provide me with your top 3 ETF's for the US, listed in Canada as well as the US for an RRSP & LIRA accounts as well as 3 International/World ETF's for the same accounts, taking into consideration any withholding taxes that may apply or not.
Thanks as always for your great service, much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Ivan on January 30, 2019
Q: I am a new retiree and interested in income, with some growth. What ETF or ETFs would you recommend for a non-registered account? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on January 11, 2019