Q: I have about 110,000 dollar that I will be investing in your balanced portfolio and the etf ViG. About 45,000 dollars will be in a non registered account and 65,000 in TFSA. I am avoiding RRSP because I have a good pension. My tax person said that I would save tax by putting the non dividend equities to the non=registered account. I plan to leave the investments in for 7-8 year As well will vig be taxed at a higher rate because it is non-Canadian if it is in the non-registered?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD)
CGI Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (GIB.A)
BMO Equal Weight Oil & Gas Index ETF (ZEO)
Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETF (CAD-hedged) (VSP)
Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO)
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation FTF (VIG)
Q: Hello,
Over the past several years I have put together an adhoc portfolio with the following allocation:
ZEO (oil) %4
GIB.A %36
GILD %11
VOO %27
VSP %9
VIG %13
My goal overall is to build a long term growth portfolio (25-30 years) with some stocks mixed in. Any recommendations on how or if I should re-balance this? In your opinion is there anything I should move away from or that may be missing from this portfolio that I should add for long term growth? (ex. emerging markets or a global equity market index ETF).
If so, you could please provide a couple I should consider? I have a lump sum that I plan to contribute to the portfolio over the next 60 days.
Thank-you very much in advance!
Over the past several years I have put together an adhoc portfolio with the following allocation:
ZEO (oil) %4
GIB.A %36
GILD %11
VOO %27
VSP %9
VIG %13
My goal overall is to build a long term growth portfolio (25-30 years) with some stocks mixed in. Any recommendations on how or if I should re-balance this? In your opinion is there anything I should move away from or that may be missing from this portfolio that I should add for long term growth? (ex. emerging markets or a global equity market index ETF).
If so, you could please provide a couple I should consider? I have a lump sum that I plan to contribute to the portfolio over the next 60 days.
Thank-you very much in advance!
Q: Thank you for your wonderful service. I would like to purchase a couple of US dollar ETF that follows the large cap stocks, and is not hedged to Cdn $. Can you recommend one or two?
Q: I do not have much experience in investing in US stocks. I would like to add some US exposure as it does seem that Trump's pro business approach might turn into a reality. Is there an ETF you could suggest that would track the US market?
Thank you, Peter
Thank you, Peter
Q: Hi there
What would be a good compliment etf to VIG for us growth exposure
In u.s. Dollars
Thanks for the help
What would be a good compliment etf to VIG for us growth exposure
In u.s. Dollars
Thanks for the help
Q: I am interested in increasing my exposure to the US through ETF's. I currently hold some IWO and VIG. I am wondering if I should just add to those or are there 1-2 others that would round out my exposure. I am wondering about industrials and banks for example. Thanks
iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF (IWO)
iShares U.S. Small Cap Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (XSU)
Vanguard U.S. Dividend Appreciation Index ETF (VGG)
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation FTF (VIG)
Q: Good morning,
Looking to clarify with regards to the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation etf's for an rrsp- if one wishes to have a currency effect( vis a vis US: Cdn dollar)they should purchase "VIG, or if looking to hedge and only feel the effects of the equity movements then purchase "VGG"? Also is there an equivalent for the IWO? Looking to add both to my portfolio and looking to see if they are a good complement.
With thanks,
Looking to clarify with regards to the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation etf's for an rrsp- if one wishes to have a currency effect( vis a vis US: Cdn dollar)they should purchase "VIG, or if looking to hedge and only feel the effects of the equity movements then purchase "VGG"? Also is there an equivalent for the IWO? Looking to add both to my portfolio and looking to see if they are a good complement.
With thanks,