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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Looking for financial sector allocation suggestions as replacement for HCG/mortgage sector. Already have positions in EFN/ECN/CXI/BNS/SLF...any suggestions? or okay with going to 20% on tech vs current 15% 35 years old, money is all in registered accounts, little debt, and no need for money in next 10-20 years
Read Answer Asked by John on October 07, 2016
Q: 5i,

Thanks for getting rid of Home Capital. I can finally take it off my radar. I've bought and sold this stock so many times due to the fact that I thought it was a "blue chip" that was just being unfairly treated in the market.

Hope you consider ECN as a replacement in your portfolio! I can see the stock being at around $6 a year from now and $9 a year after that. But it's probably too soon for a new company like that even if it is being run by Steve Hudson!

Thanks, Shane
Read Answer Asked by SHANE on October 07, 2016