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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Still looking into tax loss selling. The last few days have made me somewhat apprehensive, though. Things can shoot up fast. I have, unfortunately, fairly substantial losses in these three. Does 5i have any objections to selling, with the perspective of buying back later?
Thanks for your excellent advice
Read Answer Asked by joseph on November 17, 2023
Q: The following stocks have fallen below 1% in my portfolio.

From your previous answers/responses I assume it is best not to add to these?

Since they are under 1% is it best to sell, or is it best to stay the course and see if they recover over time.

They are all in registered accounts so no tax losses.

As well I have very small position in BAM due to the split. I have added to BN. Should I just let the small position ride or is it best to sell and add to BN or something else?

Read Answer Asked by Colin on November 16, 2023
Q: I have cash in my TFSA and am thinking the above stocks will experience tax loss selling pressure and I can add to my existing positions at attractive prices for long term holds.
Do you agree that these stocks will be subject to tax loss pressure and is now a good time to buy, wait a bit, or average in each week for the next month or so.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on November 14, 2023
Q: If you have a crystal ball and the economy starts to shrink, layoffs increase, spending slows and of course, inflation cools while rates come down faster than expected, what would be your top investment ideas over the next 9 - 12 months?
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on November 09, 2023
Q: Hello 5i
I have been thinking about selling Crox for a tax loss and buying Atz with the proceeds, as Crox won't likely go anywhere soon, whereas Atz might. But, I noticed in the answer to one of the questions that you don't seem to be too warm towards Adz. Do you think it is a wait and see stock, or would this be a reasonable approachÉ

Read Answer Asked by joseph on November 03, 2023
Q: Except for CTS, ATZ, SHOP and LAC all of these, once darlings, are below where they were 5 years ago and all of them are down sharply from their all-time highs. Can you provide your thoughts on which, if any, of these stocks will be able to get back to their old highs and a guess on when. Also, please identify your top picks (ones that you are sure will survive and thrive in the next 2 to 3 years) and your bottom picks (ones that are destined to struggle for years). They don’t all need to go into those two groups, as the future of some of them may be fuzzy. A sentence or two on why you placed these stocks in these groups would be appreciated. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Mark on November 03, 2023
Q: Looking to take tax losses and not sure which to pick ? Some of them I can sell and not rebuy ? Please rate them as sell, hold, sell and rebuy. Thanks guys.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on November 02, 2023
Q: Hello,
Based on their financial statements, are these companies worth keeping or exit before year end for capital loss?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on October 19, 2023
Q: If one believed that now was a good time to start picking away at beaten up stocks, how much should the fear of tax loss selling in the next 6 weeks weigh on the decision of whether or not to buy now or wait? Probably not a great way to invest pitting the fear of short term loss against fomo. Could you also highlight 10 or 12 Cdn stocks that in your opinion are the most vulnerable to taking a big tax loss selling hit this year. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on October 19, 2023
Q: Not sure if I understand correctly the transactions by insiders during the last few months. The corporation has bought and sold large amounts of shares. Individuals have bought and sold some as well. Looking at the overall number of shares traded I am not so sure that the result is positive. A second question is about the forcasts for next year (02/25) profit more than double. Is that realistic in your opinion and if so the stock is currently selling at 13 X next year's PE. I'm underwater in a registered account so no tax selling benefit. Buy more ? Wait for the next earnings release?

Thank you for your great advise.

Read Answer Asked by Yves on October 16, 2023
Q: My Consumer Descretionary % is a bit low.

1. I'm a little gun shy buying this sector right now due to economy slowing in the face of higher interest rates. It seems the consumer may be struggling here for awhile. Would you bump up a low sector waiting right now or just wait 6-12 months?

2. How would you currently rank the following watchlist for capital appreciation over the next year+? Are there some you would not really consider Consumer Descretionary - seems to be quite a range of business.

Read Answer Asked by Kel on October 11, 2023
Q: Hi, I was wondering if I can get your opinion on these stocks I'm holding losses on ATZ down 50%, ENPH down 25%, CROX down 25% and GSY down 20%.
I did tax loss selling last year in late December which bit me hard when the stocks took off in January with me sitting on the sidelines. Should I consider selling any of these now with the intention of buying back in 30 days and harvesting the tax loss? If so which would you suggest selling and which would you buy back? Short of that would you suggest averaging down on any of these instead? Thanks in advance! Take as many credits as you wish.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on September 21, 2023
Q: ATZ: No nothing about this stock other than it is a retail clothing store that has lost a lot of value. I own nothing in this group other than CTC.A which I bought at crazy low price in 2020 and still hold in a small position. Please enlighten me as to it's fall from grace - the whys and what needs to happen for it to gain momentum again. Thinking about a small position?
Read Answer Asked by James on September 05, 2023
Q: Hi, these are my stocks that are currently down, and would like to do some weeding,and tax loss planning.
I would like to sell one outright, sell three to half position, and maybe keep the remaining position.
The idea is to acquire cash to slowly add to my more stable holdings like ( BN:SLF: CSU etc.).
Thanks, and appreciate your feedback and opinions.

Read Answer Asked by Brad on August 28, 2023
Q: Value shopper here with interest of buying and forgetting about stocks on sale with solid future potential. Are these 3 of the best for this strategy. Would you add ECN to the pile and are there others???
Read Answer Asked by Chris on August 10, 2023