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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Team,
Atz beat earnings and things appear to be going strong on all fronts for the business…yet the stock tanks some more today. Is this one of those disconnects where an investor should be buying more shares ?
Also …with the brutal tech selloff what are some of todays choices to buy for potential multi bagger over the next few years once the carnage stops? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Shane on May 09, 2022
Q: Where would you rank CROX with the above companies if one was to purchase now?
Read Answer Asked by Neil on April 21, 2022
Q: I have trimmed some of my oil % gas stocks today back to my sector weight and would like to rotate the proceeds to other stocks. I already have the Balance Portfolio of stocks including MG at full position and was thinking of buying some LNR to complement MG or do you think there are other stocks in the Balanced Portfolio that you would consider more compelling at this time? Could you name your preference? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on April 19, 2022
Q: Given your recent answer regarding CROX, I had a look at the sector and noticed big moves yesterday. Also many of these are very near lows for the year. My question is would you put money to work in the sector now? Do you have a few favourites and is there an ETF that emphasizes this retail/clothing part of consumer discretionary as opposed to something like XLY which emphasizes very different segments? Thank-you again.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on April 19, 2022
Q: Based on today price, what are your top 5 stocks to hold in a TFSA for 10+ years with high growth and medium-low risk for that frame period ?
Can you rank then in order if there's one ?
Read Answer Asked by Olivier on April 12, 2022
Q: In this market backdrop, is it timely to buy Toi plus these fallen angels,,Atz, Gsy,Shop,Dsg,Kxs & Lspd.Please provide a good entry point for each,& rank for entry with best first.Txs for u usual great services & views.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 11, 2022
Q: What are the best types of stocks to include in TFSA for long term hold (15-20yrs) with medium risk tolerance? Growth only or growth + income? Have heard that dividend stocks in TFSA can be good as income can compound over time tax free but if the growth outperformes the dividend yield would that not be better? Also could you include your top 10 Canadian picks right now for allocation in TFSA (sector doesn't matter)? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Theron on April 05, 2022
Q: Hello,

Can you please provide your highest conviction names in the US and Canada?

Read Answer Asked by NAIM on April 04, 2022
Q: Comprised of the above Canadian companies, our TFSA represents a small portion of our overall portfolio and is its most growth oriented component. All investments are made with the intent to be long-term holds (10+ years).

Two of the holdings, AT and LSPD are down over 50%, while FSV, GSY, NVEI and WELL are all down by about a third. We intend to do some rebalancing. How would you rate (1-10) these 6 for additional money today? Please include a brief explanation for the ratings.

Finally, if you could add one more Canadian company to the mix, what would it be?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 04, 2022
Q: We'd all love to get a look at a few stock prices from 5 years in the future. Get a big winner, or avoid a big loser, with no risk. If you could get a list of the prices of 10 Canadian stocks 5 years from now, which ones would you pick? Let's say stocks with a min market cap of roughly $1 billion Cdn.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 01, 2022
Q: I have recently came across $30k unexpectedly from a former employer and was pleasantly surprised. It is currently in an mutual and it would not through my weightings out of balance. I have a well diversified and weighted portfolio with your quality names such as TD, BNS, VET, ENB, TOI, BAM, LSPD, AEM, ATZ, TRUL etc... If I was to move it from the fund to an equity only to set and forget(again) for 15 years what would you chose. At least your top 3. thx.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 28, 2022
Q: AC is about 1.5% of my Portfolio and CAE is less than 1%. I have been reviewing and consolidating in my Portfolio of stocks/ETF and would appreciate your opinion regarding action to take with these two stocks. Is there more potential with CAE and would it be more profitable to move AC stock funds in to CAE? My other industrial stock is WSP and with Portfolio Analytics I am 2.5% above the suggested allocation for Industrials.I am willing to maintain this weighing in Industrials ; however, I would be interested in hearing suggestion of alternative stock choices (regardless of sector) at this time? Thank you for your assistance.
Read Answer Asked by Elizabeth on March 28, 2022
Q: Further to my March 18 question: redeploying my 100% cash position. Using the BE portfolio as an example and assuming 6 equal monthly investments. Would you buy partials across the board, or go with full positions in 3-4 companies each month. If the latter, which order would you suggest.
Thanks Peter.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 24, 2022