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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi team,

Looking for strong growth names in my tfsa, I have been considering cheap stocks with potential. An alternative approach would be to look at names which have been doing very well this year and which still have momentum and potential. Grateful for your comments and some names which have wind in their sails.

Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on January 03, 2023
Q: Hi there,

I’ve often heard that a handful of stocks can provide life changing returns. If you had to pick 5 (or more) that could be life changing, which would they be in preferential order?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 12, 2022
Q: I retired last year and then setup a consulting company which keeps me busy less than half time. My accountant advised that setup an investment portfolio within the business banking account. I am looking at one CND bank ETF (25%), One dividend ETF (40%), and one growth ETF. (25%) I would like to add one or two CDN or US growth stocks representing 10% of the portfolio. Can you please give me some choices for the one or two growth stocks? Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on November 02, 2022
Q: Hello,

I have roughly $75,000 to invest. I am looking for US base stocks with upside. I have a pretty balanced portfolio so am looking for growth type names or ones with upside. This year i purchased amazon, netflix, disney, and nvidia so please recommend 4-5 of your best ideas other then those ones.

Read Answer Asked by sean on October 03, 2022
Q: Hello 5i Team,

Could you please provide your top 5 US healthcare stock picks for growth (with above-average risk) over the next 5 years, and include a brief comment why.

Could you also suggest 3 "safer" options.

Feel free to subtract as many credits as warranted.

Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on September 22, 2022
Q: I have some US liquidity. Could you please list 5 or more equities you see reasonable upside in over the next 3 years or so.
Read Answer Asked by Claus on September 22, 2022
Q: With the latest recession news I am considering some lowball offers for several companies and would appreciate your thoughts on my selections.
MSFT - $228 GOOG - $96 NVDA - $120 MS - $75 PANW $169
Would you change any of these selections or add a couple of others that you
think would be also great lowball possibilies. Ed in Montreal
Read Answer Asked by ed on September 15, 2022
Q: Looking for 10+ "steady compounders" CAD and US for long-term portfolio core and could you provide a short comment on why you like it and risks.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by sam on August 31, 2022
Q: Hello 5i
Recently you replied to a question regarding covered calls. You said you like high volatility companies for this strategy. In other places you said that you do not tend to write calls on core holdings. Just wondering what stocks you currently prefer for this strategy, that are not, or maybe, your core holdings
Read Answer Asked by joseph on August 23, 2022
Q: Would appreciate your guidance on building a healthcare portfolio with these names and any other suggestions divided into 2 categories [1] core [to constitute the bulk of the portfolio] and [2] growth, for a 3+ year hold. If you could add a few thoughts on each as to why you like or not, that would be most helpful.
Best wishes
Read Answer Asked by sam on July 27, 2022
Q: Hello 5i Team,

I'm down considerably in these US stocks in a taxable account: APPS, DIS, DXCM, EXPI, FB, NET, NFLX, U, and UPST.

I would like to crystallize some losses.

Could you please suggest:

1. The stocks I should sell outright (and suggest a replacement);

2. The stocks I should sell and then re-buy in 30 days (and suggest a proxy); and

3. The stocks I should continue to hold.

Feel free to subtract as many credits as required.

Thank you for your valuable advice!

Read Answer Asked by Keith on June 13, 2022
Q: Hi 5i Team - Could you provide an estimate on when Shopify, Google and Amazon might do their stock splits. Also do you know of any other quality companies planning a share split. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on April 13, 2022
Q: following up on question/response about shop, you mention 'there has been a recent increase in announcements'. what were the main ones and how important were they?
Read Answer Asked on April 12, 2022
Q: Hi folks
BMO Investorline's chart for DXCM is completely different than your chart? Can you explain please. Your chart shows huge jump in price on about March 25th. Is this correct? Is there still room for gain? Would you BUY now? My Health sector weight is 4.55% which is down from its high due to the market of course. (ZTS, PFE, GH, VEEV, BNTX)
Much thanks for keeping me well on track through the ups and downs for about 8 years now..I recommend you often.
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on March 30, 2022
Q: Based on current valuations, irregardless of sector weightings, what are your favourite top 5 US growth stocks for a 10 year timeline.

Read Answer Asked by Greg on March 28, 2022
Q: Good day team, I was wondering if you could provide some growth stocks either in the US and Can that have very little to no debt.
Read Answer Asked by Seamus on March 16, 2022
Q: Hello,

I'm looking to buy 4 or 5 US medical stocks for a long-term hold (5+ years) with an above-average level of risk tolerance.

Could you please rank the stocks I've listed, and indicate if there are better choices.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on March 15, 2022
Q: Hi 5i Team,

Given the recent pull back in the markets, would you please recommend 3 or 4 US stocks with most upside in each of these sectors:

1) tech sector (excluding FAANG stocks)

2) all sectors other than tech

Read Answer Asked by Harry on February 24, 2022