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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have two questions re: tax loss selling. I have a three year old gain that I can offset by selling the above holdings.

1. First please help me with the math. If I buy a stock for $100, sell it for $90, I have a loss of $10 which would mean I can expect a $2.50 tax loss at a 25% rate. Does this mean that if I wanted to buy the stock back after 30 days, I would only be better off if I buy it back at less than 92.50 per share? Do you have a threshold whereby you must be down by a certain amount to justify a tax loss sale? e.g. 20%? Unless of course you are walking away from a company.

2. Which of the companies listed would you consider buying back after 30 days? I have too many holdings as it is so may just let them all go unless something is particularly interesting. I am overweight technology, underweight everything else but otherwise have a broad mix of funds and stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on December 20, 2024
Q: I believe that the traditional "weight loss advisory" firms will recover especially once some of the attendant health risks from such drugs as Ozempic become better known. Does this theory resonate with you and, if so, which Weight Watcher-type firms do you like?
Best regards,
Read Answer Asked by David on October 04, 2024
Q: I sold LNTH 30 days ago to harvest the tax loss. I am looking for one more name to fill my healthcare allotment. I currently own ABBV, ISRG, WELL and SIS. Which do you like best between LNTH, DXCM and INMD, which are three names that you have been highlighting over the past several months? I am looking for potentially higher growth and am willing to take on the additional risk. Any other name(s) would certainly be welcome.

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 27, 2023
Q: Hello, I need to add to the healthcare sector. Is this a good time to buy? Could you please provide 5 names and rate them in order of preference and why? U.S. OR Canadian? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on October 30, 2023
Q: Due to the popularity of diabetes/diet drugs, do you see any companies consumer staples or others that have recently been excessively beaten on? Perhaps some that could be in for a turnaround in the long term.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on October 17, 2023
Q: Peter and crew; I currently hold positions in both CIBC and TORONTO Dominion banks. Both have sat in my portfolio to give balance to a tech heavy US investment program. As a growth investor my thinking is to sell both banks, and add to my U S stocks. Can you share with me your one year opinion on Canadian banks and as well suggest 3 or 4 US growth stocks for a1 to 5 year hold.. I have a fairly high risk tolerance and patience
Read Answer Asked by John on July 17, 2023
Q: Recently trimmed NVDA to bring position weight back in line. For US, any sector, what are a few top picks for a TFSA? And then how would IJT compare for growth potential and risk?

Read Answer Asked by Marilou on May 08, 2023
Q: Dear Peter,

This question is based on your excellent article in Canadian Money Saver Nov/Dec 2015! How time flies, eh?! Titled: Setting up a US income portfolio with call options.

Several years ago I had asked if you have written any follow articles on this strategy? If you have, please post the links for all of your subscribers. That would be helpful.

But my question is this:
Based on the criteria that you highlighted in that article if you had to choose Five stocks what would those stocks be today?

I am semi retired senior citizen who can allocate 10-15% of my portfolio to this strategy.

Many thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on April 28, 2023
Q: An article today suggested that Apple is close to coming out with a diabetic monitoring capability for its iWatch. If correct, what would that do to DXCM?

With that question in mind, I'm looking to add a small position in healthcare. Which of the listed companies do you see as having a better future for a long-term hold?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 23, 2023
Q: What are some "swing for the fences", i.e. high risk but potentially high reward, ideas on your radar at the moment. Looking for U.S./Canada ideas regardless of sector. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 21, 2023
Q: This question concerns Healthcare in a well-diversified Canadian portfolio (~30 holdings), focused slightly toward growth. Our target is for a 5% weight in this sector.

Currently, we only hold CSH.UN at a loss. We are open to selling it outright and replacing it with 1 or more of your favourites or topping it up and adding at least 1 growth-oriented suggestion. I understand from a previous question that CSH.UN has performed in a close range with REITs, which have adequate representation in our portfolio.

What would be your top picks in Healthcare for long term holds (5+ years)? How would you rate them (1-10, 10 being best) for new money today?

How would you proceed? Would you suggest going with 1 or 2 names? Would you suggest topping up CSH.UN and adding a 2nd name, selling CSH.UN and adding 1 or 2 new names, etc?

Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 17, 2023
Q: Can you provide a list of a few microcaps, smallcaps, both us/cdn that could rocket up with a recovery in the economy. Thanks 5i for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Geoff on January 12, 2023
Q: I noticed that your position on Google has changed in the past couple of months. Previously, you were always recommending it as #1 stock for growth/risk combination, lately I don't see this recommendation anymore. At the moment, it is the worst performing stock in my portfolio and I am down over USD $20K on it. Unfortunately, it's in TFSA portfolio, so I cannot sell and claim cap loss. Do you still believe in bright future for Google considering the challenges (e.g. Microsoft combining efforts with Open AI to integrate chatGPT in Bing and challenge Google search dominance and, by proxy, ad revenue)? Considering that the stock is held in TFSA, would you keep it or sell and replace with something else? If you recommend selling, please list your suggestions. What is your current recommendation on the US market for better growth/risk equilibrium? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 09, 2023
Q: I have no Healthcare companies in my portfolio. What names are you presently recommending; Canadian and/or US $. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on January 05, 2023