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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,
This is a follow up question to your response to Bob's question on NVDA, AMD. Having only recently purchased AMD, I am somewhat concerned about a lengthy wait for AMD's price to resume an uptrend with the burden of XLNX. At the moment I am down 1/2% and wondering if it is prudent to exit and put the money to work in another growth opportunity? I currently own NVDA and could simply add to it. Other options might be TSM, MPWR, or IPHI. I would welcome your thoughts and any suggestions you may have. Thanks for keeping us informed!

Read Answer Asked by Dawn on October 14, 2020
Q: Hi, I am looking to deploy some US dollars I have in cash. My thinking is to focus on US tech - in particular the software, internet and semiconductor industries. Could you recommend names in each industry you feel would be a good choice, considering solid companies with growth prospects that could be held longer term?
Thank you for all your hard work!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on January 27, 2020
Q: I've been active in DIY investing for 7 years. Have chosen only CDN listed stocks and, with 5i's help, have been reasonably satisfied with returns over that period. However, despite my stubborn resistance to the US, I cannot continue to ignore that market. So I have 5 forced-choice questions for you. I will invest in 5 of the 11 listed. I'd like your opinion about which one in each group to invest. These are LT holds (5+ years). I'm not expecting a detailed rationale, but would appreciate knowing if your preferences are strong. Or not. Thanks!
HD vs. LOW
AYX vs. TTD vs. TEAM
Read Answer Asked by RANDALL on November 11, 2019
Q: Thinking of 3-4 year play in some combination of this group. Risk is not the primary concern. Is this a viable strategy for a small portfolio segregated from other assets? What combination, if any, would you recommend? AYX momentum seems to be slowing. Is that a concern from your perspective?
Read Answer Asked by Joel on June 06, 2019
Q: In the past you have been very pro NVDA and lukewarm to AMD. I am getting reports that AMD is "eating NVDA's lunch" when it comes to gaming chips and is now set to break out. The Google announcement early this week would seem to confirm this thesis, however it appears every chip company is on the rise. Have you altered your opinion on AMD? Before the announcement I got on AMD (2% position) and am up 20% very quickly. I am thinking of adding more. Should I?
Read Answer Asked by Barry on March 22, 2019
Q: I realize these are U.S. companies but the NVDA vs. AMD semi-conductor showdown is one of the most interesting investing tilts on offer right now. I have held NVDA for several years. It's my largest holding and I am up 325% on it. It has been a gusher. It has routinely whipped AMD like a pinata. But has the tide turned? NVDA is "only" up 26% this year and is getting thrashed today, post earnings, for having the temerity to only post substantial gains in 5 of its 6 lines of business. Meanwhile AMD has nearly doubled YTD and is now a Seeking Alpha darling. NVDA is clearly a remarkable company but the fastest jet stalls out at some point in a vertical climb. Is it time to sell some or all of my NVDA stake? Given its sky-high valuation do I crystalize profits and redeploy? What's your reading on these two competitors today?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on August 20, 2018
Q: Hello team,

There is a lot of debate about how AMD may actually, not in so distant a future, steal the show from NVDA by beating them in their GPU technology as well as other areas such AI technology. So which one do you side with NVDA or AMD? NVDA is a leader for now but would you invest in AMD if you were looking or even faster growth for a similar risk?

Have a wonderful weekend!
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on June 08, 2018
Q: Hi Peter and Team,
I recently read an article on bitcoin. In this article, the author identifies a number of companies as equity proxies for bitcoin. Square (SQ), Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Goldman Sachs Group (GS) are 3 of the companies mentioned in this article.
Would you please enlighten me on the connection between the 3 above-mentioned companies and bitcoin. Your comments, as always, would be much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on December 11, 2017