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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i Team - Should DCM's recent and steady decline be of concern and is its balance sheet in decent shape. Also is this a growth stock or more of a value stock. Some time ago it did an acquisition which had an immediate and continuing positive effect on the stock price but the enthusiasm seems to be fading. Do you expect there will more acquisitions in the coming months/years. Also is insider ownership fairly substantial and is it growing or declining. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on October 23, 2023
Q: While I like their growth profile, management and commitment to debt reduction, I just can’t figure out exactly what they do. I remember the old Moore Business forms when I would send out handwritten invoices ( many many years ago )and I see the word “ print “ in their presentations so I’m thinking they are in a declining business.
In plain words , can you tell me what they do. An example of how they would assist a customer would help. Thanks. Derek.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on August 22, 2023
Q: I have some TFSA funds to allocate to stocks that have potential for significant gain over the next 3 years. Based largely on 5i content/views, thinking of INMD, LMN and DCM. Thoughts? Alternative options you may prefer?
Read Answer Asked by John on August 21, 2023
Q: Hello 5i
Could you please rank the above stocks for growth over the next 1-3 years.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on June 28, 2023
Q: In response to my question on TTNM you said that earnings are expected to decline over the next few years but gave it an OK for a growth oriented TFSA, noting its small size. It seems the trucking industry is expected declining numbers as it this has been stated for TFII as well. Why would one buy a stock in an expected declining industry?
So now am looking at DE ( quite small company )which seems to be growing and is supported by a dividend. I see Bruce Campbell (2) is a director.
Should I take a small ( 1% total portfolio) portion of DE, TTNM, or 50 -50 split, or neither. Any other small caps with developing momentum you suggest ? Thanks. Derek
Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 03, 2023
Q: If you held the following smaller cap stocks in positions of 0.5% to 1.0% of your total stock portfolio, and wanted to reduce the number of holdings by selling several of them and using the money to add to others, which ones would you sell and which ones would you add to: ACQ, ADEN, AEP, AND, CHW, CJ, DCM, ECN, GEO, HPS.A, LNF, NOA, PRL, QIPT, RCH, RET.A, SFC, STLC, SVI, TVE, WELL, XTC. Assume overall portfolio is well diversified so sectors not a consideration, and that this is the riskier part of portfolio, so, higher risk is fine. Would be great if you could pare this list of 22 stocks down to about 10-15. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 24, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team - I plan to sell most of my Enthusiast Gaming and use the money for something with a better balance sheet and a decent prospect for growth. Do you have any suggestions for stocks that trade below $5.00 including any that might be under $1.00 which is where EGLX has been trading for some time now. Any sector or market cap is fine. Thanks you.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on March 20, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team - Since the price of DCM's shares has risen so quickly over the last couple of weeks do you think the new price of around $2.00 is sustainable or has the stock gotten ahead of itself. I'm assuming this is mostly due to its recent acquisition or do you see other factors at play here. Also would you consider this a long term buy at these levels. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on March 08, 2023
Q: This looks like one that you have followed a bit in the past. I have read your comments and they expressed much concern regarding the debt. The last earnings release shows improvement on this front. You have also commented positively on the management but I note there has been a recent shakeup. Looking to see if these things, (or anything), has changed your view? They have an impressive client roster.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 25, 2021