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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: If work at home flourishes post pandemic what are your top 5 picks as stocks that have the best chance of benefitting in that environment?
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on June 23, 2020
Q: Morning 5i,
I'm looking to get my US allocation in my portfolio up to ~40% in the Healthcare, Industrials, and Tech sectors. I have a VERY long time frame, but I'm interested in businesses that have aggressive/high growth in the IMMEDIATE to 2 year timeframe.

Could you please rank the names below in terms of highest short-term growth potential coming out of a COVID world (reopening, new normal).

And if possible, are there any US names that trump these selections instead? Please take as many question credits as required:

Healthcare: VEEV, AMGN, REGN
Industrials: ROP, RTX
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 26, 2020
Q: Hi , as you mentioned future trend of people staying home and work and boss wants to monitor work. Would you suggest companies that involve in this ? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by victor on May 20, 2020
Q: These companies have been doing well lately. When I googled them, each of them all claimed are a cloud communications platform as a service company. I couldn't figure out any differences between them if there are. Could you please help me to understand them? If I pick one to invest, from growth potential perspective, which one you would suggest? From risk/reward perspective, which one do you pick?

Many thinks as always
Read Answer Asked by Lin on May 11, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
I am wanting to buy both VEEV and DOCU as both long term growth plays, and to play into their current momentum. I don't have any free cash right now, so have to trim from a couple other stocks to do this. I was considering trimming half of my SQ holdings to buy DOCU, and trimming half of my TWLO holdings to by VEEV. Do you see any issues with these moves? Also, being that VEEV and DOCU are in high momentum right now should I wait for a pullback or would it be OK to buy these at current levels? you see VEEV and DOCU holding up after this covid scare is gone, or do you see risk of these momentum stocks falling on their face once the virus scare diminishes? Thanks for your advice!

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 27, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
I am holding TWLO, and down 12% on it as of today. It has been showing some strength lately with the other tech names, but perhaps not as much as some others. What do you think of this companies growth potential? I am wondering if I should hold it, or if you would recommend switching the holding into a different US tech growth stock that you are much more convinced of (was noticing ROKU or DOCU)? I currently already hold NOW, AYX, CRM, SQ,TTD,FB. Thanks for your advice.

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 16, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
Two part question, charge me accordingly:

For a US growth tech stock, what are your thoughts on Twilo? I own it, and I am down 32% on it. I realize the markets are in turbulence, but even before that it has been underperforming my other tech holdings since last quarter. Is there something changing with its growth story here, or is it simply a valuation catch up issue combined with last quarters results? When I bought it I was under the impression that they are in long term, secular growth trend here with their sms messaging business and as such. Should I continue to hold or should I be trading it in for a better name in the sector? Suggestions?

Also....what are your thoughts on GSY at the moment? Is it just me or is it one of the most compelling growth stories with dividend on the tsx right now, especially at current valuations? I am thinking its fall has been "unjustified" at this point and cannot see so far how this coronavirus would essentially hurt their business (being this is a virus scare slowdown and not a financial crisis) . If anything, perhaps improve it. We have lowered interest rates which should help boost margins possibly, and fiscal stimulus coming down the pipe. Just wanted your thoughts before adding more to my position here. I added on the way down at 65 (too early), and am thinking of adding more. I am not really worried about weighting at this point. My time frame is for the long term here (20yrs). Thanks,

Read Answer Asked by Shane on March 16, 2020
Q: Hello 5i
I own all of the companies noted. I'm wondering if there is excessive overlap here and if I should sell one or more in an effort to reduce overall holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 21, 2019
Q: Hello Team,
I am overweight in technology growth names and have been caught in this “sector rotation” from growth to value. My question is do I now hold steady and ride out the storm, or trim back my growth holdings and switch to value? I am a buy and hold investor typically and believe the names I am invested in are best in class in what they do, and believe the way the world is going that technology will continue to advance and should be where the biggest growth is now and into the foreseeable future. So, with the names listed do I buy more , hold, or sell?Thanks for your input on the matter.
Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 06, 2019

It's clear that software stocks are taking a heavy beating right now. Are there any concerns for recovery and continued growth at the companies above? What sort of expectations might you have for the above stocks down the road at the 1-year, 3-year and 5-year marks?
Read Answer Asked by Laxmyharan on September 12, 2019
Q: Hello, A friend told me about this company that is moving well with the market. This is a new name to me. What do you think about this company in terms of financial situations such as, cash flow, debt levels, etc? From risk/reward considerations, for a medium risk investor, is it buyable at this level? Thanks. Lin
Read Answer Asked by Lin on March 19, 2019
Q: Could you please rank these 4 stocks. Looking for growth and willing to hold for at least 5+years. This would be for a TFSA with a growth tilt to it. Do you see all these companies as a good investment? Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Aaron on March 14, 2019