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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5 I
Looking for exposure to gold what would you recommend
Thank you for great service
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 01, 2017
Q: I am planning to sell ABX to take a tax loss. However, I like to stay invest in the gold/gold miner sector. I can get my wife to buy back ABX or any of the above companies. I would like your opinion on your preferred investment vehicle in gold/gold miner at this time > any of the above 5 companies? or do you have any other favorite company in this sector ? BTW, can you let me know if I buy ABX in the NYSE, will its dividend qualified for Canadian dividend tax credit ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 27, 2017
Q: What ETF or method would you recommend for an investor who wants to hold some gold (bullion, not the miners), unhedged to the Canadian dollar and with good liquidity. I have heard so many gold bugs talk about the importance of investing in “physical” gold as opposed to “paper” gold. Do you believe this thesis of “physical” gold and does GLD (US) meet this requirement?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 24, 2017
Q: Given all the world events and the fact we are at the end of a prolonged bull market could you give me your thoughts on a gold hedge play. I have a small position in DGC(.75%). Would you suggest adding here or selling this for another or just staying put?
Would you suggest a stock or the bullion and could you give me suggestions on both?
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on September 11, 2017