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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have all these stocks in my RIFF and they are all up since purchase. I have $75.00 in my RIFF, would you add a new stock, what would you suggest?
Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Dorothy on September 11, 2024
Q: The stocks are held in m grandson's RESP. Please recommend any others or substitutes. He will not need to access these funds for at least 3 years. At what point would you consider beginning to move out of these growthier equities into less volatile of lower risk? Do you have any recommendations for quality dividend payors that you would slowly accumulate as you reduced these equities?

Thanks very much for your advice.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 16, 2024
Q: My accrued gains from the last few years on these tech stocks are evaporating. I'm thinking of selling the works and buying an energy ETF like IXC. Does this trade make sense?
Read Answer Asked by MATHEW on February 28, 2022
Q: First time poster here.
With the slight decline recently, which of these following companies do you guys like the most for a growth portfolio for the next 5-10 years? I have 150K to invest (consider this fun spending money and money to play with), and I want to know how much of the 150K would you guys invest in each of these companies separately? ie. 35k in CSU etc
(side note), the report card for TOI said it was valued at 10 billion when it was $60/share. But now it's $131/share and everywhere I read it says 5 billion market cap. Was this a typ-o?). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Caleb on September 30, 2021
Q: My hold the following Canadian tech stocks: CSU, KXS, LSPD, ENGH, SHOP, and TOI. Based on your continued support of NVEI and DSG, I would like to add them as well. However, I would like to ensure diversification and so wish to avoid companies that are similar to those which I already own. So my question is, would owning these 8 companies provide me with a diverse mix of Canadian tech stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on September 24, 2021
Q: Given your response to Peter's question of the 31st, would you add new money at these record levels or wait for a pullback"

Thanks, Mike
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 31, 2021
Q: Greetings 5i,

The company's listed are TFSA holdings. The goal of the TFSA is moderately aggressive growth. Time frame is 4-8 years. Equities are purchased in equal weights and rebalanced based on weighting.

SLF and BNS are also held in other accounts, at an overall portfolio percent of ~5-6%. Which would you recommend adding to at this time? What do you consider the weakest from this list? Would you consider removing any from the TFSA holding only in either a non reg or reg account? If so, why? And which one, two or three additional growth oriented companies, either CAD or USD would you recommend.

Take as many credits as required.

Thank you for the excellent service.
Read Answer Asked on August 26, 2021
Q: Hello 5i
How would you rank the listed companies?
I would like to add NVIE. ,but also need to either sell one of the listed companies or reduce all equally.
The companies are equally owned.
Your opinion is appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by cal on July 02, 2021
Q: Above are my CDN holdings greater than 2% of my portfolio. I'm looking for 1 more sleep at night CDN recommendation for an RRSP account that you would initiate at more than 2% and hoping you might have a short list of recommendations? No oil/gas/pipelines, thx but otherwise I'm open.
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on June 03, 2021
Q: why were Shop and Csu down between 7 to10% last week while the Nasdaq was up 1.85%.?
Also Ppl fell from $34 on Dec9. to about $30 on Dec 31
Do you think Canadian investors worried about a possible increase in the capital gains tax are taking profits to offset their losses on pipelines,etc?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on January 04, 2021
Q: Hi 5i team,

Currently I own in my TFSA the following stocks: CSU, DSG, KXS, OTEX, PHO, REAL, SIS, WELL, XBC, NVDA,VALE and PDYPF (Thanks to SHOP my TFSA grew considerably)
I would like to keep in TFSA only high growth stocks. After reading some of your answers it seems that CRWD and U are good candidates to add.
Please advise which stocks should I sell or move to my cash account to make room for mentioned stocks.

Becoming a 5i member was the best decision ever, thank you for you guidance and amazing service. Reading the Q&A became my daily morning ritual while drinking my coffee.
To all the team Happy Holidays.
Read Answer Asked by Svetlana on December 22, 2020
Q: I have these stocks in a tfsa. Any you feel could be eliminated and can you recommend an addition or 2? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on December 14, 2020