Q: Stock continues to drift lower.[ down 30%]Would add too a small position in a cash account now or wait?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: ttr reported what looked like very good results. the past few quarters I believe they missed estimates. what do you think of their results and mgt's comments. what are pros and cons going forward.
Q: Hi, I just finished reading your report on TFII which outlined it’s history of acquiring smaller trucking companies within the fragmented trucking industry. Got me too thinking about the probability of TFI making a bid for Titanium Transportation. Do you see a takeover as a possibility why or why not and the probability on a scale of 1-10 whereby 10 is most likely.
Q: I would like to add to these , but would rising interest rates be of concern. Thank You.
Alphamin Resources Corp. (AFM)
H2O Innovation Inc. (HEO)
Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (HTL)
Titanium Transportation Group Inc. (TTR)
Q: These stocks were mentioned in the article about possible TSX graduates. Knowing they are small caps, could you comment on them and rank them. Are any of them a buy at this time. Thanks
Alvopetro Energy Ltd. (ALV)
Alcoa Corporation (AA)
Parex Resources Inc. (PXT)
Miscellaneous (MISC)
Titanium Transportation Group Inc. (TTR)
TriMas Corporation (TRS)
ZoomerMedia Limited (ZUM)
Zurn Elkay Water Solutions Corporation (ZWS)
Q: Could you provide the names of some companies that have declared their first dividend over the past several months. Canadian or U.S., any size market cap. Thanks.
Q: Do you prefer one over the other? And which do you feel has the most near
Term upside potential? Tks Larry
Term upside potential? Tks Larry
Q: Hi, since May 10 price is dropping. Is there any change in fundamentals? Buy ,sell or hold? Thanks for your insight always.
Q: Your last response on this stock (March 11) seemed mildly positive. I am interested in the stock because of its price action, the sector, the recent dividend and, from a technical perspective, it’s recent saucer and handle formation (which can be positive). However, INK shows no insider buying for the last year which I find odd. Could you kindly advise as to whether you have any information on management including their stake in the company, as well as any other thoughts you may have at this point.
Thanks as always
Thanks as always
Q: Hi!
I liked TTR’s results last night...such a better company than a year ago.
With these numbers, a dividend, higher trading volumes, still a good growth runway, perhaps an equity offering with an issue (perhaps understandable secondary too) ...
Might they get broader story recognition and trade north of $5.00?
Stay safe,
I liked TTR’s results last night...such a better company than a year ago.
With these numbers, a dividend, higher trading volumes, still a good growth runway, perhaps an equity offering with an issue (perhaps understandable secondary too) ...
Might they get broader story recognition and trade north of $5.00?
Stay safe,
Q: TTR is now declaring a dividend. Stock was high of $3 and now hovering around $1.50 over two years. Going forward what are the prospects of upside growth and stock price
Q: What do you think of TTR? Is it investible, or is it too tiny/early to really evaluate? I like the sector and have a full position in TFII already.
Q: Hi 5i....I've had this company on my watch list since about a year ago. It had negative momentum at the time and last answered company question was in 2017. At the time you suggested TFII which has also done well.
I see it has picked up on the momentum side in the last 6 months but I don't really see any news to account for this. Is it's performance simply just tied to the economy (e-commerce or transport sector?) and thus the appreciation? It has made several acquisitions over the last few years so perhaps has better pricing power now.
Any update on your opinion or still to small vs other trucking companies?
Is TFII still your favourite CDN in this sector?
Thanks for all you do!!!!
I see it has picked up on the momentum side in the last 6 months but I don't really see any news to account for this. Is it's performance simply just tied to the economy (e-commerce or transport sector?) and thus the appreciation? It has made several acquisitions over the last few years so perhaps has better pricing power now.
Any update on your opinion or still to small vs other trucking companies?
Is TFII still your favourite CDN in this sector?
Thanks for all you do!!!!
Q: Hi 5i gang. Have you heard of this transport compay? Called Titanium Transportation Group. Are they investable? I know they own Muskoka Transport.
Much thanks
Much thanks
Q: Could I have your thoughts on Titanium Transportation Group TTR please. I am looking for something in the transportation segment and I thought this might have some growth to it.