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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning all; I've a two part question for you, First, the listed investments are in a RRIF. The current plan is to extract only dividend income, and have some modest stock growth.

I have funds for one more position and I'd like 3 of your suggestions that would add decent dividend income with modest growth of stock value.

Second question is about XLB. It was originally purchased as a post-inflation investment looking for some appreciation as rates declined. While Canada may get a bit more downward adjustment I believe Trump policy will be inflationary. What would be a sound replacement, meeting the dividend and growth goals for the account?

Thanks as always.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 29, 2025
Q: Hello - I am an income investor. My view has been to construct my portfolio with companies that pay growing dividends as a way to offset inflation. With BCE’s announcement of reduced expected dividend growth in the future I am considering shifting that portion of my portfolio somewhere else. Can you please provide the stated expected ranges of dividend growth (as a %) of these companies? Please take all the credits you wish. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Mark on February 12, 2024
Q: The Labour Contracts being signed today at 30 % and 40 % increases Airline Pilots, UPS, Port Workers in BC and more to come by Auto Makers and Hollywood means more inflation down the road and higher rates by Powell. This could go on for years. Causing defaults on Mortgages ,personal bankrupcy , credit card defaults. It does not look good.

Then there is China and unemployment of 25 and under at 26 % . No Jobs. China is fully built. Apartments Condos High Speed Trains, Highways etc. Nothing else to build. This will cause unrest with the young. What can XI do.. Not more military. They have the largest in the world

Then there is the expansion of BRIC by adding 6 new Members like Saudi, and Iran. plus 4 more.

And what about stealing of goods from all retailers and nothing being done to stop this stealing. Even people walk in to LCBO and help themselves and staff is told not to interfere. Why because every bad guy probably has a gun,

Question Why Own Stocks Why not Just a laddered Bond Portfolio of 1 to 7 year bonds with a yield of 7 % plus for the next few years.

Sorry for such a negative outlook . Look forward to your comments.

Read Answer Asked by bob on August 28, 2023
Q: Saturday morning on CBC Mark Warner warned viewers not to be too overconfident about Canadian banks compared to US banks. His reasoning was that Canadian banks have been buying banks in the US.
As I am a holder of Canadian banks this has me concerned. I was wondering if you could shed some light on his comment and which banks might be at the most risk.
Read Answer Asked by Mary Jean on April 04, 2023
Q: I am a retired investor and rely upon the dividends in my RRIF for income. I have owned FSZ for many years and while it pays a nice dividend (8%) it has not grown, in fact its down since I purchased it. I want to replace it.

The listed stocks pay dividends ranging from 3.9% to 5.1%. My question is which of the stocks would make a good replacement with the dividend and growth profile that will exceed the dividend of FSZ. Please list with the best first and also indicate if the risk is higher or lower than FSZ.

I have been a member for a few years now and would like to congratulate you on your service and unbiased answers. It definitely has been financially rewarding for me.

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on March 07, 2022
Q: For new money to top up my income portfolio holdings per above. How would you rank if buying today based on valuation and future growth (revenue, earnings,dividends)
Please also rank the sectors (banks, insurance, utilities, telecom ). Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on March 08, 2021
Q: Is the financial sector good value at these levels ?
I'm a little concerned investing new money in the banks as rising prices have brought valuations to pre-pandemic levels. Insurance companies not yet there, may be the better value.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on January 18, 2021
Q: Could I get suggestions for long term dividend paying stocks for a young investor to add to these stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on December 03, 2020
Q: Good morning,
Wondering if you could please comment as to Steve Eisman's thesis on Canadian banks ( shorting specifically CM, RY and LB) and the deleterious effects of a shift to positive loan loss provisions for the stage 1 loan book( those loans that are current), where such a shift would, in his words, "crush" earnings( growth?).

Thank you for your insights,
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 11, 2019