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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am following the ETFMU Balanced ETF Model Portfolio. WXM has a high MER at .66. Could you recommend another ETF from one of the model portfolios that would give me about the same level of potential and risk? It could be either Canadian, US, or international.
Read Answer Asked by Mary on January 04, 2024
Q: The following holdings in a TFSA are underwater. In your opinion, which ones are worth keeping for a potential near future recovery? AW, BATT, BTO, BTE, WXM, ILLM, GUD and LSPD
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Carlos on November 27, 2023
Q: Hi 5i. I hope all is well and you took a break at Easter.
I have noticed in the G&M that john heinzl reports on a dividend portfolio. I like his sense of humor on Stars & Dogs but I really wonder about his dividend hog portfolio. The same newspaper lets me create portfolios for comparison. I started with the same about of money (about $116K) and pretended to invest in October 2017 like he did. I made three one ETF portfolios. Made one portfolio with ETF HXT, One with VDY and One with WXM. All three of these one ETF portfolios beat JH’s significantly and WXM was a clear winner beating it by about $50K i.e., turning $116K into about $200k from Oct 2017 to now. The other two ETFs were not far behind. $50K can pay for a few dinners!
My question is whether you see any issues with WXM in the current investment environment and with the above comparisons.
Thanks as usual for this great service and patience with my questions. Thanks Danny-boy
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on April 12, 2023
Q: Performance of WXM (momentum ETF) is (almost) always very good. It is not easy to build a Canadian portfolio than beat it.This index is composed of 31 “liquid equities of Canadian companies displaying above average return on equity, with an added emphasis on upward revisions of fiscal earnings estimates, and positive technical price momentum indicators”. On the web site of CI global Asset only the top 15 holdings are listed. Is there a way to know all of the 31 holdings ?
Read Answer Asked by Martin on March 06, 2023
Q: Hello, I just read an excellent article in today’s Globe & Mail written by Norm Rothery. He discussed how a momentum investing strategy has significantly beat benchmark indexes for many years. I would not be able to run the numerous screens and perform the frequent rebalancing that this strategy requires. Are there any Canadian ETFs that follow a US or Canadian momentum investing strategy? Many thanks for the great service that 5i provides.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on November 08, 2022
Q: Dear 5i team.

Further to Cyril's question where you "hand selected a few of your favs from the three portfolios", is this a diversified enough list to put a small ETF portfolio together based on? Can you suggest which ETFs may be appropriate?

I recently upgraded to include your ETF portfolios. Can you "handpick your favs" in these given the current market backdrop, risks, and opportunities ahead?

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on March 30, 2022
Q: I am a big fan of factor/smart beta investing, but I am having difficulty identifying Canadian made etfs with both adequate size and daily volume. Please suggest etfs sold in Canada to build a couch potato diversified portfolio covering a Canada, US and global geographic area. I am quite impressed with WXM and ZUQ. I am a senior with a conservative growth inkling. Please charge question credits approriately based on your time to provide a workable response. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on February 09, 2022
Q: I have some new money to invest in my TFSA. I am well diversified in my other accounts, and am now wondering what to add to my TFSA. I am a senior so I would say about a 5 year time frame that this would stay in the TFSA, maybe more.
Any suggestions you have would be helpful.
Thanks so much for your help in the past, it has always proved very lucrative.
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on February 02, 2022
Q: Are the following ETFs sufficiently diversified to form a balanced-growth portfolio of $100K - ZAG 25%, QEF 15%, WXM 20% and XAW 40 %. If not, what would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by D on February 05, 2021
Q: Setting up an 40K RRSP with a 6 to 10 year time frame. What is your opinion and/or alternatives to ZEB, VXC, ZDV, XBB in equal proportions.
Read Answer Asked by Ric on January 11, 2021
Q: The mutual fund of PH&N has many of the shares used by 5I Research . Mawer also uses many of those companies.
Do you know any ETF that would be similar to those funds?
Those 2 funds are not available to individual investor.
Do you know any similar fund that is available in serie D or A?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Monique on November 13, 2020
Q: Hi,

When I read this article in this morning's Globe and Mail, I thought of an excellent question by Dale on August 6th and your equally excellent answer. In some ways I was surprised by your answer. You chose "momentum" as the single most important factor in investing and pointed out to difficulties in defining "quality". (I thought you would choose Value and management as the most important factors!!)

With this in mind, and reviewing today's article in the Globe, would you say VMO.TO or XAW.TO, VXC.TO are good choices for a 10% position to cover this "momentum" factor? Or any other ETF that you feel is superior to these? Not sure if these are covered in ETF Mutual fund newsletter. I have to look the past articles up.

Here is the link to that article.
Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on August 14, 2020
Q: Can you comment on these ETF's I presently hold in a corporate unregistered acct. I have a large amount in DVY.US - not sure why (previously with a FI ) Looking to update this portfolio based on present times. In At least a 5 year hold. Please take as many credits as needed.
Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on May 05, 2020
Q: Thank you for answering my question yesterday. You guys are the best. If you could choose 5 ETF's for a 40,000 RESP for a 8 and 10 year to hold and continual buy for the next number of years - which are they?
I appreciate it,
Read Answer Asked by Brent on April 30, 2020
Q: What is the one stock you would suggest to go all in with this correction?
Read Answer Asked by Nino on March 25, 2020
Q: Once the current rout in the market bottoms, please suggest the best ETF's listed on the TSX to ride the market back up, purely for capital gains, covering both the TSX and the Dow. These would be short-term investments during the recovery mode.
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on February 28, 2020