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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you name two medium size and 2 small size Canadian copper mining companies trading on the TSX that in your opinion are susceptible to takeover in the next few years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 30, 2024
Q: I sent you a question on CMMC and right after that I started to read up on TKO which is a very similiar sized, low grade Canadian copper miner. The difference is TKO is on the way to a second copper mine in a Tier 1 mining jurisdiction (Still waiting for a final permit) while CMMC just sold off their chance to TKO still has debt although they seem to have most of the capital required to build the second mine. TKO also gets credit for having a lot of moly with their copper while CMMC has more silver and gold by products. Moly prices have gone up substantially but then again gold and silver having been doing well. For 2023 TKO has about 70 per cent of their production hedged at $3.75 (Collars??) so even if copper prices tank in 2023 (doubtful) they should cash flow at their BC mine whereas CMMC is struggling to cash flow in BC. So what do you prefer, CMMC, TKO or some other copper play? I vaguely remember moly $ to be very cyclical. I know moly is only a by-product of TKO's copper mining but if you can comment on that it would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 13, 2023
Q: I own a small position in TKO as part of a basket of copper stocks. It appears to be underperforming the others. My question is whether you see potential for it so as to maintain or add to the position or whether you would sell and transfer the proceeds to stocks I also own such as CS and ERO? Thank you for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 22, 2021
Q: Hi,

I'd like to take some positions in copper producers. I have read some of your recent comments on mid cap producers and will be taking positions in 3 of them. I'd also like to get your thoughts on these smaller producers from an article I read recently.
Aura Minerals, Capstone Mining, Copper Mountain, Taseko, Marimaca Copper (note Marimaca symbol would not come up.)
Looking out at each companies FY20 and FY21 potential earnings, Capstone offers the highest earnings potential (from your Companies page data).
I also see that these collectively have had pretty good % moves in the last 3-5 years. I assume this is because of perhaps mines coming onstream/newly developed.
Which of these above companies are most investable? Or do you prefer other juniors to add to this list you? Please list in order of investing preference.
I think I'll get the most torque (albeit risk) by adding mid cap and juniors. My objective is to add 5 copper miners total...3 mid, 2 junior.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 14, 2020
Q: With copper prices moving higher and a good probability that demand will continue to increase due to economic recovery and possible infrastructure spending etc, what is the best way to position for an uptrending copper price? I think it makes sense to have a position in a mid or large cap producer for exposure. However, I'm also wondering if there are any companies on your radar that have "good" projects that are uneconomical at lower copper prices but could come online if we see copper above $4-$5. My understanding is that copper reserves are dwindling and demand could outpace supply into the near future or longer. So if we see new all time highs in the copper price, what companies could see the best returns in this scenario. I realize this situation has a few 'ifs' but would appreciate your insights. Thanks very much for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Dustin on December 07, 2020