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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: HELLO TEAM... I am building a small cap dividend income portfolio as part of an overall income plan-it will comprise only 5-10% of my overall portfolio ( mainly for diversification). The names I have chosen so far include DBM, CJR.B. KPT, TTR-all nice dividends with some growth potential. Do you have any other ideas for this adventure ...once again many thanks regards gary
Read Answer Asked by Gary on November 26, 2021
Q: The earning for the year look decent. Too bad they give little public guidance but my understanding is that business has picked up and they project double digit growth over the next few years. Based on that scanty information do you think the stock is undervalued? I like the 3.70% divy while I wait for the company to be discovered.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on March 08, 2021
Q: Last week on BNN Bloomberg the ceo mentioned that they are supplying to Tesla. On the company website they have technical/ marketing papers that explain the use of their transformers in electric power stations and how there will be large demand for more dry transformers as the demand for charging cars increases. I note they opened a plant in Reno Nevada in January 2020 that is 3 times larger than their other plants nearby and is not meant to replace current plants but to add capacity. Tesla has a big battery factory in Nevada.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on January 12, 2021
Q: Hammond Power Solutions was featured on BNN yesterday. They seem to have a history of paying a good dividend (4%) and potentially in a position to catch the benefits from the renewable energy wave. Would you invest in this stock, or are there any similar investments that are a better play you'd suggest? I'm considering selling some gold mining stocks in KNT to buy HPS to diversify my portfolio a bit, I won't be drawing from my RRSP for 50+ years.
Read Answer Asked by John on January 11, 2021
Q: Hi, Could I get your thoughts on these companies? Im thinking about starting positions in all 4. Please take as many credits as needed, I just put these all in one question since its easier than doing 4 separate.
Read Answer Asked by david on March 31, 2020