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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: These stocks are owned in an income portfolio and while their yields are good the continued downward trend is worrisome. Which would you replace, and with what, and if you could provide a reasoning for the change. REAL is my "real" worry, if truth be told, but I also feel slightly off my pizza these days ...
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on October 17, 2023
Q: You could have bought this stock anytime in the last 10 years for around $5.50 dollars, its now roughly a 10 banger, don't you feel the opportunity has past. ?
Its a smallish company with very choppy earnings , so any big misses and the stock will get hammered like many others in the growth portfolio.
For a double the stock has to get to around $100. In your view you must be looking at it getting to $200 or $300 to make enough money to garner the risk, considering its long history of being in the doldrums.
Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on October 12, 2023
Q: Like everyone else I suppose I am looking for the next great idea. Is there a company or two on your radar that is impressing you with their performance/growth outlook? Maybe tempting you to initiate a report on? Bonus points if it is already profitable, and/or approaching 1 B market cap. Double bonus points if you could see the possibility of them initiating a dividend one day. Just looking to build a short list for further investigation before next year’s TFSA contribution. Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on September 26, 2023
Q: Of these six industrial holdings, which three or four would be your favourites? (I focus mainly on the Balanced Portfolio.)

Thanks for all your insightful advice!
Read Answer Asked by Jim on September 13, 2023
Q: Could you comment on your confidence in the management of these three companies and execution of acquisitions? Would they compare at all or are even close to CSU management?
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on September 13, 2023
Q: Could you rank in order which you think will have the greatest growth over the next 3-5 years?
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on September 12, 2023
Q: In a recent question you answered " we think one of the most important skills for investors who choose to own high-quality compounders is the willingness to hold them through thick and thin, even in periods when they appear to be fully valued (or slightly overvalued)."
With this in mind could you please give a list of canadian high-quality compounders that you would recommend initiating a position in and holding through thick and thin.
Could you please include their sector designation and yield.
I am interested and low yield ones for a non registered account but would also like to see your higher yield ones too.

Read Answer Asked by Anna on August 28, 2023
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on August 18, 2023
Q: I'd like to build on Brian's question of July 24th regarding electrification. I have
a small position in Hammond and a couple of full positions in renewable power producers.

If you wanted to build a small sub-portfolio of stocks for the green energy trend, which companies (and how many) would you include? How much of a total portfolio might you allocate in this direction? Would you include a copper producer or consider this part of your materials allocation?

One area that seems to get very little discussion is companies that make systems to control electrical grids, and I think this will need some focus as generation becomes more distributed (e.g. rooftop solar all over the place). Suggestions in this area would be especially welcome if you think there are players worth consideration.

Thanks for your help, and for all the other people who ask public questions. I learn a lot from their queries!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on August 15, 2023
Q: The Hammond Companies based in Guelph are producing astounding numbers yet HMM.A is far behind in stock market valuation with a projected P/E of 3 to 4. Why is there a discrepancy between the two companies.
Read Answer Asked by michael on August 05, 2023
Q: Hi 5i

With the recent quarterly release I see that HPS continues to do well.
I'm just curious as to how they compare to their competition in this space?
Are there larger or smaller companies that are doing equally as well and therefore also worth looking at?
Or is this somewhat of a moat business?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on August 04, 2023
Q: These 9 companies are the holdings in a growth oriented Canadian TFSA. The intent was for them to be long-term holds. However, NVEI, ILLM and LSPD are all down over 50% and some so rejigging is being considered.

Would you consider any of them to be a SELL?

Of the 9, which 2 would you be least inclined to keep in the portfolio and why? Please suggest potential replacements.

Please rate (1-10) the remaining 7 for additional money today.

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 03, 2023