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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,
My holding of Waste Connections has increased substantially in value. The stock price is slipping and there seem to be a number of concerns with debt and return on capital. Your detailed comments would be appreciated.

Are there some industrials with better future prospects? What industrials could WCN be replaced with and why would they be any better?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by V on November 20, 2023
Q: Hello 5i Team,

Could you please suggest 20 Canadian and/or U.S. stocks for a "buy and hold" portfolio in an RRSP with average-to-above-average risk and a 5+ year timeframe.

Feel free to subtract as many credits as you see fit.

Thanks in advance for your always helpful advice!

Read Answer Asked by Keith on November 20, 2023
Q: I bought GSY at its peak. Is it time to dollar cost average now or would you wait for the price to drop more?

How do you see the stock price move if interest rates stay stable until mid 2024?

Would you recommend different stocks which pay 3-5% dividend with room to grow 50% over the next 12 - 18 months,?
Read Answer Asked by V on November 16, 2023
Q: Hello 5i,
Given that interest rates appear to have peaked, please rank the above list for:
1. Growth only
2. Your buying preference.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 16, 2023
Q: Reading through the questions and answers on a regular basis gives a good idea of a lot of the Canadian companies you favour as investments, such as CSU/LMN/TOI, GSY, SHOP, BN/BAM, SU/CNQ/TOU, WSP, TFII, SLF, ATD, BYD, TRI. I'm wondering if you have any seldom discussed Canadian stocks that you like, small cap, higher risk stocks OK. Some names that people might not be as familiar with that have some good upside potential. Companies producing good financial results that perhaps aren't fully recognized in the stock market.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on November 14, 2023
Q: I have .85 and .79 % holdings respectively in the above 2 companies. The dividend yields are paltry so I'm thinking of consolidating them . Which of the two do you see with better growth potential or could you recommend 3 or 4 others with better growth opportunities irrespective of sector allocation with a dividend and without a dividend. I already hold CSU, LMN, TOI, TFII, GLXY, HPS.A
Thank -you
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on November 06, 2023
Q: Hi Team,
I've been watching Hammond since you put it the growth portfolio and to this point just watching has not been the right move. In a question prior to earnings you mentioned a price of $57 or ~$55 was a good entry point. Now at $74 it feels like I missed the boat on this one.
Should one enter now or wait? Do you think it will come back down? What would be a decent entry price today for a 3 year (minimum) hold ?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marco on November 02, 2023
Q: Please rank these companies, or suggest alternatives, as investment opportunities in the build out of the electric grid to accommodate changes in energy delivery - based on their current stock valuations.
Read Answer Asked by John on October 30, 2023
Q: Could you please rank the above stocks for holding/purchase right now please? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Neil on October 24, 2023
Q: I just visited your subscription website. 5i rightfully touts the outstanding returns on these BEST PERFORMERS since inception.

I have benefited immensely from those picks BUT bailed at the wrong time and now only hold GSY.

Would you still recommend Csu,byd and syz at current prices or are there new potential multi baggers that you prefer

Thanks for your help…. and looking forward to seeing share prices increase and have the patience and wisdom…and courage to hold on ……
Read Answer Asked by Donald on October 24, 2023
Q: Hello

I am looking to deploy some capital ($8,000) into the new FHSA and was looking for some ideas of how to diversify this $$. I have a 3-5 year timeframe and will likely not be actively trading these positions. Can you please advise how it would be best to deploy the funds given the time frame and with a moderate to high risk tolerance.

Can be the companies mentioned above or others. CSU would be great but given it is almost $3,000 a share, not much room to work with that.

Was thinking along the lines of 100 shares of BN @ $42 range and 200 shares of Lumine @ $19 range

Any other ideas of price points you think might be best?

Thanks as always for your help
Read Answer Asked by Antonio on October 22, 2023
Q: Hi, Can you please provide your opinion on current valuation, growth prospects and a decent entry level to start a new position? It was mentioned that stock has seen a run up in its price and may need to consolidate. Actually, just within last 10 days, it has shot up almost 10%, since it was added to 5i Growth Portfolio ( Kudos to your team for the Great selection and Excellent timing !!! }. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on October 20, 2023
Q: Adding new money into the Income Portfolio- Hello, I am adding new money to the Income Portfolio in my TFSA. Would you suggest/list the top 5is ( 5 investments!!) timely buys at this time, with a time frame of 2-3 years and overall return perspective?
Also, would you consider making this a feature in monthly portfolio reports - like top 2-3 buys? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by RUPINDER on October 20, 2023
Q: David Burrows was on BNN this mrning making his case for the market going forward. Very convincing..

Concentrating on dividend growers. What do you think and which stocks in your universe would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on October 19, 2023