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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have this in my TSFA account. Should I sell it? If so what stock should I replace it with?

Read Answer Asked by Linda on July 27, 2023
Q: What are your top 3 growth orientated small caps that trade on the Canadian market today?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by David on July 24, 2023
Q: I've been reviewing CSU's shareholder letters and kicking myself that I didn't find such a legendary CEO 15 years ago. The letters make it very clear how much of a unicorn ceo the guy was/is. Which got me thinking, are there any early stage Mark Leonard's out there now that are the kind of ceo's you want to bet on, but younger and their companies are less developed. So my question is, if you had to bet which current CEO's of companies in North America under $10B are likely to be extremely successful based on their business acumen, and shareholder friendliness. Which CEO's would those be (the next Mark Leonard's)? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on July 21, 2023
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

I have had ENGH for awhile and while having the dividend has been nice the performance over the last bit has been flat. What are potential replacements for it, regardless of sector.

Read Answer Asked by Marvin on May 19, 2023
Q: What 10 businesses either in Canada and/or the US do you think exhibit these traits other than Constellation Software?

Strong capital allocators and quality asset managers
Strong insider ownership
Exceptional business models
Compound capital over a long period of time
Consistent earnings Growth

Read Answer Asked by Keith on May 13, 2023
Q: I am looking for your best small-cap value stock ideas. I'm hoping for three in Canada, and three in the U.S. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on May 02, 2023
Q: Can you provide an updated outlook on this stock. Reading your limited Q&A on the stock over the years it seems debt has always been a concern of 5i but it has always been noted as "cheap".

Reading more about the company it seems they are a "serial acquirer" of cheap companies (14) over the years this seems to have gone well for them any they buy back shares.... any updated thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 22, 2023
Q: Several of the oilfield service providers were financially crushed or bankrupt when the price of oil dropped to below zero. Those that survived are probably in a fairly good position. Although government policies are doing everything possible to discourage investment in the energy sector, there will be a time when reality sets in and investment in the sector will be supported. Can you recommend some financially strong companies in the oilfield service sector. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by mitchell on January 24, 2023
Q: I have a question for 5i with respect to the “oil service subsector” of the energy sector. I currently own some pipeline stocks (large cap) and some E&P stocks (one small cap and one mid cap), however, I do not own an oil service stock at the present time. So…. I have some questions and would appreciate your views on the subsector.

With E&P companies focused on balance sheets, and returning capital to shareholders, are those management actions having any impact on the oil services sector?? Your views please.

If you think the oil services sector is not unduly impacted by the E&P focus outlined, how do you view the services sector – is it a favourable view??

How might one invest in the sector, would I be better off with a large cap like Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, or Haliburton and if so which one (s) would you favour? If not, are there smaller cap companies that warrant some investor attention and what names come to mind, would your focus be US based or Canadian based – thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by jeff on January 24, 2023
Q: Hi
I am reviewing my portfolio trying to decide i i should sell some of my stocks

WEE , TVK and SXP have been very profitable , do you suggest holding these stocks for the long term, a partial sell off , or to sell off the full position at this time .
I have lost money on ETI, LEAF, and GSQ do you suggest holding for the long term or selling off at this time

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Howard on October 19, 2021
Q: Hello,
I own shares of Clarke Inc. They recently spun out Terravest, which I know little about. Terravest seemed to be about half of the value of my original Clarke investment. Clarke a few years ago provided 2 large $2 per share dividends but has not paid any dividends since. I haven't looked into any details of the spinout, though Terravest has dropped about 10% since then. It is holding up better than the market. Can you give me further insights into these 2 positions and whether either are worth holding or adding to? Each represents about 1% of my portfolio. Use as many questions as needed. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Tulio on April 27, 2020
Q: The 7% CVD is being called early. It is in my RRIF and converts to 121 shares per thousand.

Do you suggest converting into the common shares which are now selling at $12.53 or would you sell the CVD for $151?

In other words, do you like TVK as a RRIF holding or do you think I could do better.
And if so what would you suggest with the proceeds?

Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on December 18, 2019