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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Looking at todays earnings report all seems to be going good here, I've held a small position for a while and have done nicely, loving the momentum and would like to add more, the liquidity is a bit of a concern. In your experience what typically helps improve liquidity and would you expect a slow and steady rise here in that regard and share price?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on December 13, 2023
Q: If you were to pick quality compounders in the small cap space (US or Canada) like 3 mentioned, can you suggest a couple of good ones. I generally prefer long term horizon. Thanks. Shyam
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on December 11, 2023
Q: What are your top 4-5 Canadian small cap stocks, that you have on your watchlist?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 08, 2023
Q: Considering a switch from PLC and/or CTS to TVK, and one of SIS or NPI for TSU. What are your general thoughts on either move - higher risk, higher reward?

Thanks in advance. - Jeff
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on December 05, 2023
Q: Would appreciate a couple of options for holding some U. S. $$ in a taxable investment account for at least one year. I am more interested in capital appreciation than in current .income in these interesting times. Sector not an issue. Could be individual securities or ETFs. Thanks for your continuing support. Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on December 04, 2023
Q: Looking to invest a portion of available cash into solid smallish-cap companies that have yet to move towards their fair value that could be reached in a more positive part of the cycle - which I am guessing/assuming is coming. Please provide suggestion in either Canadian and/or US markets.
Read Answer Asked by John on December 01, 2023
Q: I have seen several analysts commenting recently on how undervalued small cap stocks are compared to larger cap stocks. Some saying we are at the cheapest levels they have ever seen for small caps. If you were to put together a portfolio of 10-12 Canadian small cap stocks intending to benefit from a return to more typical valuations, which stocks would you include? Not thinking about highest risk types, like early phase biotech, exploration stage mining companies, but rather, for high quality, profitable, growing businesses.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on November 29, 2023
Q: Your recent inclusion of the stock to the growth model tweaked my interest. The company was unknown to me. A q and a search showed that you have been positive on this company for a while. I checked out the charts. A two year chart shows a nice saucer and handle (consolidation) formation (though the handle a bit extended) through 2022 and mid 2023 and then the breakout. In July/August price jumps from, in round numbers, $27 to $37. October sees a 20% sell off but then there is a quick rebound back to the 37ish level (very positive). My question is, are you aware of any fundamental reason for the price increase in July/August? I have not been able, through my limited resources, to find one.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 24, 2023
Q: Reading through the questions and answers on a regular basis gives a good idea of a lot of the Canadian companies you favour as investments, such as CSU/LMN/TOI, GSY, SHOP, BN/BAM, SU/CNQ/TOU, WSP, TFII, SLF, ATD, BYD, TRI. I'm wondering if you have any seldom discussed Canadian stocks that you like, small cap, higher risk stocks OK. Some names that people might not be as familiar with that have some good upside potential. Companies producing good financial results that perhaps aren't fully recognized in the stock market.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on November 14, 2023
Q: Do you continue to like TVK as a long term compounder? It's had a decent pull back to $32-33 off the highs. Would this be a good entry point? Recently announced a new credit facility but other than that, not much news still earnings back in Aug. What growth drivers do you see going forward? Looking to possibly sell GDI to buy TVK. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on November 01, 2023
Q: Like everyone else I suppose I am looking for the next great idea. Is there a company or two on your radar that is impressing you with their performance/growth outlook? Maybe tempting you to initiate a report on? Bonus points if it is already profitable, and/or approaching 1 B market cap. Double bonus points if you could see the possibility of them initiating a dividend one day. Just looking to build a short list for further investigation before next year’s TFSA contribution. Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on September 26, 2023
Q: Could you comment on your confidence in the management of these three companies and execution of acquisitions? Would they compare at all or are even close to CSU management?
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on September 13, 2023
Q: Could you rank in order which you think will have the greatest growth over the next 3-5 years?
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on September 12, 2023
Q: Apar from CSU and related companies, are there other vertical software comp[anies in large addressable markets in sectors such as healthcare, media and industrials that you find arttractive? At what prices would you recommend initiating a position and why do you find them attractive.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by sam on September 12, 2023
Q: Looking for stocks based on the same business model as CSU AME and TDG - collection of entrepreneurial businesses in same sector growing organically and by acquisition, leaving managers and ulture intact [provide corporate support] with siognificant market share and pricing power. I think that describes these 3 companies. Please identify others and rank all with initial buy prices.
Read Answer Asked by sam on August 29, 2023
Q: In a recent question you answered " we think one of the most important skills for investors who choose to own high-quality compounders is the willingness to hold them through thick and thin, even in periods when they appear to be fully valued (or slightly overvalued)."
With this in mind could you please give a list of canadian high-quality compounders that you would recommend initiating a position in and holding through thick and thin.
Could you please include their sector designation and yield.
I am interested and low yield ones for a non registered account but would also like to see your higher yield ones too.

Read Answer Asked by Anna on August 28, 2023
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on August 18, 2023
Q: These 9 companies are the holdings in a growth oriented Canadian TFSA. The intent was for them to be long-term holds. However, NVEI, ILLM and LSPD are all down over 50% and some so rejigging is being considered.

Would you consider any of them to be a SELL?

Of the 9, which 2 would you be least inclined to keep in the portfolio and why? Please suggest potential replacements.

Please rate (1-10) the remaining 7 for additional money today.

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 03, 2023
Q: ATZ, DND, TIXT, WN.PR.D Gentlemen: The above four securities have been very disappointing for me. I have held them for some time with little change. I could hold them longer, as they are in my RIF, but I wonder if the funds might do better elsewhere.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on August 02, 2023