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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: is there any upside at all to this company because exactly a year ago today well was at $3.85 per share and today it is at $3.72 per share. I have lost my patience with this company can you please suggest a better company that might have potential in the next year or 2 thank you
Read Answer Asked by wilson on February 05, 2024
Q: Hi,
Kicking myself in the butt for not buying SMCI a few months back after humming and hawing about it. I guess because I have a large NVDA and GOOG position already so didn’t want too much AI exposure.

For some of these names that have run hard over the last 3-6 months, would you add or initiate new positions? I own NVDA, HPS.A and TVK and have nice gains but want to slightly add for long term. I’m reluctant now to buy these new daily highs in SMCI and VRT, afraid of a sharp pullback. How would you proceed? For all the stocks mentioned, what inning do you think we’re in for each? Still long runways? And I know it’s hard, but what would be good price targets to buy if they pulled back? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on February 02, 2024
Q: Any TSX/TSV listed stocks that you feel are currently undervalued?
Read Answer Asked by Tony on February 01, 2024
Q: Which 5 Canadian and 5 US companies would you buy for pure growth over the next 6 months? Can you provide a bullet for each on risk and main reasons for selection?
Read Answer Asked on January 31, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and 5i team,
My TFSA contains the aforementioned stocks in roughly even percentages except for nominal investments in Park Lawn and DRX. I would like to make my annual contribution to one or some of these companies and would like to know what your order of preference would be for buys/adds at this time. Please also include Celestica in your considerations.
Also, are there any companies in this list that you would consider undervalued at this time?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Bob on January 29, 2024
Q: Peter; I just received the TVK info re upcoming shareholders meeting. I wasn’t aware that two directors/ shareholders held such large positions. Obviously they could never sell into the market that trades maybe 10,000+- a day. It’s close to $50.00 this am - THANK YOU- my question is do you think there may be a secondary issue of shares by these two ? It would also provide more liquidity- which may attract institutional interest- and help estate planning for the two.? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on January 29, 2024
Q: Hi,

These are some names that I hold that are smaller weights in my portfolio (<2%) and I would like to add to my positions. From comments, I think all of them are solid going forward and some have run hard, such as HPS.A, TVK, CRWD...The thing I've struggled with before is adding to names at the wrong time after they've had a good run and then the market turns and your gains turn into losses. How do you approach these situations and when do you decide to add to a starter position.

Would you be comfortable adding to any of these names at the current prices and can you rank which ones you would add to first?

With the market at record levels, I'm a bit more gun shy of doing so but I think on any market pullback, I would add to any of these names. Would you agree?

I remember a question you answered recently about increasing the avg. cost base vs the % of the position when adding. So for example, I bought HPS.A at $50 and now its $93 for a nice gain, however it's only 1.5% of my portfolio now. So if you are comfortable with a 3% position, do I just add now to get to that 3% even with the run that its had? Or wait for a nice pullback, which of course is impossible to predict. I try not to anchor prices and of course the buyers today are forward looking and expect good things to continue. How do you approach this? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on January 24, 2024
Q: I want to add one of these to my TFSA. With potential total growth in mind, could you please list these in order in which you think might do best. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on January 23, 2024
Q: Recently you recommended the above companies as top 5 small caps. Could you rank from 1 to 5 re: upside potential?
I currently own EQB and GSY.
Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by ralph on January 22, 2024
Q: Many years ago I heard Peter say on BNN that one of the best indicators that a stock will outperform the index is when a company initiates a dividend for the first time. Are there any good quality Canadian growth companies that currently do not pay a dividend that you feel are reasonable candidates to start paying a dividend in the next 12 - 18 months?

On the same topic, generally speaking, what would be some of your favourite small to mid cap Canadian growth stocks that do not pay a dividend? Say under a $10B market cap.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on January 19, 2024
Q: This is a question regarding portfolio composition, which I would describe as alpha-balanced. I have chosen not to invest in real estate (as I own a home) or materials (too volatile). I am overweight in Tech (17.5%), Industrials (19.25%) and Finance (22.3%). The other sectors are all at appropriate weights. I am somewhat concerned about having too much allocated to financials and seeking advice. The stocks I hold in relatively equal amounts are: BAM, BN, X, V and HMAX. (I hold HMAX strictly for the out-sized dividend with the expectation of little growth; with a solid dividend here, it frees up other funds to invest in more aggressive companies that don't pay dividends such as HPS.A and LMN.). Long story short: do I have too many eggs in one basket, or do my financials have sufficiently different drivers that you would be comfortable with this imbalance? Any other comments with regard to the strategy behind my chosen portfolio composition would be most welcome. Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on January 17, 2024
Q: Hi There,

Which 2-3 Canadian companies would you be adding to with your TFSA contribution this year?

Read Answer Asked by Gowtham on January 08, 2024
Q: Which 3-5 Canadian stocks would you be buying with your TFSA & FHSA contribution?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Gowtham on January 05, 2024
Q: What are your top 5 small caps with early 2024 bounce potential with 3-5yr hold?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on December 22, 2023
Q: I have the above stocks in my TSFA account. All about equal weighted. Which stock would you add the $7000 2024 contribution to?

Or do you not favour any of the above and have another suggestion?

Thanks for everything and happy Holidays to everyone.

Read Answer Asked by David on December 18, 2023
Q: Thoughts on these two results and forward outlook?

DOL - had a solid beat and raised guidance, guidance and growth look strong still. Stock down currently on the results.

TVK - sales beat, profit down, div up 20%. For growth and acquisition companies like this, do you like to see a 20% div increase vs other "better" capital allocation ideas such as buying back shares, re-investing capital into more organic growth, etc.. Thoughts? Looking to add more to a smallish position.

Read Answer Asked by Keith on December 14, 2023