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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Your comments please on recent M&A announcement to sell its global property tax business for $700M.

Do you like the sector right now? Please rank AIF, CIGI, APPF, CBRE in order of preference. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Adam on July 30, 2024
Q: You recently said that trimming the weeds in a portfolio is something to believe in. Is SYZ a weed? I have held this stock for more than ten years and 5i's coverage of it was one of the reasons for my original subscription. I like the unique sector SYZ operates in and its growth potential, but I am losing patience and wondering if it is time to move on. If I sold SYZ I would add to my other Canadian software holdings, namely OTEX, ENGH, TCS and AIF, but I hesitate because SYZ provides diversification and may yet turn around. As always, I welcome your insight.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 14, 2024
Q: I use my TFSA to buy and hold low-debt, cash flow positive, technology companies with good long-term growth prospects. My TFSA holdings (ENGH, OTEX, SYZ, TCS, AIF, REAL and AT, ranked by weight) total about 8% of my overall portfolio. My holdings in AT and REAL have fallen to about 1% of my overall portfolio, because of their poor performance, versus 2.5% average holding for each stock in the overall portfolio. I am considering the following options:

1. Keep both AT and REAL for a long term (10+ year) hold (i.e. do nothing)
2. Sell one and consolidate into the other for a long term hold (but which one to keep?)
3. Sell both and consolidate into my other TFSA holdings (which one(s)?)

I would welcome your thoughts with respect to each option, given there is no tax loss selling benefit in a TFSA. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by David on January 12, 2023
Q: These six companies comprise my “Small Cap Canadian Technology” holdings. As I like their long term prospects, I am content to hold all of them for their recovery potential over the next few years. However, I would like a second opinion from you: would you agree they are all good companies worth holding, or would you switch any of them out for better quality names? If so, what would be your suggested replacements and why?
Read Answer Asked by David on July 12, 2022
Q: All five are poised for future growth via acquisitions and organic growth. I don't have a position in any. How would you rank them if you had new money to put to work for buy and hold for next 5 years for the growth part of my portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on April 14, 2021
Q: Would appreciate it very much ranking the above based on your expectation of total return over 3 to 5 years period. I wish to consolidate these number into less positions. In particular I am thinking of selling FCR at a loss and perhaps add to GRT.un or one of the others,

Read Answer Asked by Saad on March 23, 2021
Q: hello 5i Research team, AIF sold its investment in REAL at 5ish dollars less than two years ago while they were insiders and had a representative one REAL’s board. Now that we know what happen since then. What can that tell you about AIF? Lack of vision? Certainly not a desperate need for cash. Do you « downgrade » AIF management for this?Thank you for your collaboration, Eric
Read Answer Asked by Eric on June 29, 2020