Q: Further to my question of Jan 6, I can't see that the distribution has been stopped? Can you please confirm that for me?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
PRO Real Estate Investment Trust (PRV.UN)
NorthWest Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (NWH.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (DIR.UN)
Nexus Industrial REIT (NXR.UN)
Q: Fortunately I sold PRV.un and NXR.un over a year ago and now wondering if it is time to repurchase. I'm reminded of Warren Buffet's expression to be "greedy when others are fearful" and there is lots of fear out there at the moment. In your opinion, what are the three most important ratios when evaluating REITs and what are the yellow (caution) the RED (danger) zones for those ratios? What are the ratios for the subject REITS?
Realty Income Corporation (O)
Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) (TD)
Enbridge Inc. (ENB)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
Canadian Utilities Limited Class A Non-Voting Shares (CU)
NorthWest Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (NWH.UN)
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust (BTB.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
Automotive Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (APR.UN)
AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC)
Horizon Technology Finance Corporation (HRZN)
TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. (TPVG)
Liberty All-Star Equity Fund (USA)
Q: What are your thoughts about this as a US/CDN high yield income portfolio? Any ideas would be appreciated. Please take as many credits as needed.
Q: Several months ago the dividend was cut substantially. The stock fell accordingly and has drifted lower in the meantime. Insiders have been adding shares. Should I join them or is this a trap
Q: Do you see other reits whacking their distribution similar to TNT.UN -Thought with government business they might be safe-didnt think they would do 50% though thought they may be vulnerable to a cut
Q: Is this worth a look after dividend cut - or a falling knife
Q: I'm thinking about purchasing this REIT for income because of its high dividend, any alarm bells going off?
Q: I've been a past investor and have been keeping an eye out for this for many years now. Is this a good entry point you think or do you think interest rates need to have stabilized given their debt profile?
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (DIR.UN)
Q: True North REIT is paying 8.41% as of today. Is this dividend sustainable and is the share price solid?
Please recommend two other REITs with a relatively generous but safe dividend for steady income? Thanks.
Please recommend two other REITs with a relatively generous but safe dividend for steady income? Thanks.
Noranda Income Fund (NIF.UN)
BMO Covered Call Utilities Fund (ZWU)
Ravelin Properties REIT (SOT.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
Q: are any of these worth buying ?
Q: Found this the ither day, looked to see if any questions posted recently on it, latest from last Jan., how do feeling about them now, are they worth starting new small position, how would the fair in rising interest rate environment?
Q: Hi,
How is TNT.UN doing in terms of its distribution? Is it reasonably safe?
How is TNT.UN doing in terms of its distribution? Is it reasonably safe?
H&R Real Estate Investment Trust (HR.UN)
Brookfield Property Partners L.P. (BPY.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (DIR.UN)
Q: Hi,
Please rank these REITs for relative distribution safety and eventual share price recovery.
Is there one in particular that you'd get rid of?
Please rank these REITs for relative distribution safety and eventual share price recovery.
Is there one in particular that you'd get rid of?
Brookfield Property Partners L.P. (BPY.UN)
Acadian Timber Corp. (ADN)
iShares Canadian Financial Monthly Income ETF (FIE)
First National Financial Corporation (FN)
Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CHP.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
Plaza Retail REIT (PLZ.UN)
Q: Would you please rank these companies in descending order of their dividend reliability.
H&R Real Estate Investment Trust (HR.UN)
SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust (SRU.UN)
Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust (MRG.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
First Capital Real Estate Investment Trust (FCR.UN)
Q: What is your opinion and outlook on the above noted REITs? Is now a good time to buy? If you where to get into REITs now what order would you put the above companies in?
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust (BTB.UN)
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (TNT.UN)
Q: Could you comment on TNT.UN and BTB.UN. I understand tnt has federal government contracts ?
Q: Both these reits are getting hammered today,yield is up to 14% on both.Would you start picking away at these 2 now or wait?
Q: Your opinion on this REIT in general and in comparison to other real property Can REITS.
Q: Hi Guys,
Can I please get your opinion of True North REIT and today's announcement.
Can I please get your opinion of True North REIT and today's announcement.
Q: TNT.un has moved up, rather dramatically, to a new 52 week high this week. I see no news or rumours and am wondering if you do? I was thinking a new issue but I am not so sure with today’s move to $6.94. Any comments at all? Thank you.