Q: Is the share price the total return, or are reinvested distributions in addition to the share price ?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: I've held since its inception due to a) the track record of the former Sprott fund manager, and b) beause it was a fund that would have tools to perform well during a stock market setback. I am looking to sell as the fund did not fulfill purpose b. Am I missing something? And can I sell JFS.UN as I would my other stocks (without a penalty) in my Direct Investing account?
Purpose Multi-Strategy Market Neutral Fund (PMM)
Purpose Tactical Hedged Equity Fund (PHE)
JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN)
Q: Could you recommend a couple of Canadian hedge funds that are listed on the tsx that primarily use along/short strategy? John
Q: Hi!
Any thoughts on the drifting performance of this closed end fund? I know the manager is an old associate of Peter's and my perception of the fund is that it would perform better than other similar funds likely in weaker parts of a market cycle?
Any thoughts on the drifting performance of this closed end fund? I know the manager is an old associate of Peter's and my perception of the fund is that it would perform better than other similar funds likely in weaker parts of a market cycle?
Q: I have inherited share of this fund and am now being asked by BMO Investorline if I want to redeem these at their net asset value on January 30, 2018. The shares currently trade at $ 13.98. From what I can gather from First Asset the NAV is $ 14.28 on December 6. This has not been a very remunerative fund, and I am slowly switching assets to match your portfolios. Is this an opportunity for me to get out of some or all of this investment at better than market price? I am not sure how many shares the fund will redeem, but should I put all of them up for redemption?
Thank you very much for your valuable ideas and service
Thank you very much for your valuable ideas and service
Q: hi
I have a position of several single stock size in JFS.UN, but I am getting bored with it (yes, I know how that sounds). What is your opinion of it and should it be sold to take advantage of better opportunities. What stocks or etfs funds would you recommend to replace it?
My current energy or close to energy holdings are WCP, Crius, BEP.UN, IPL and FTS. Is energy close to a bottom and what might you add in energy? Would Sprott energy fund or NRGY.UN be a good choice or some other single stocks or funds?
(I realize this is kind of 2 questions... but part of a partial rebalance, so you can take 2 credits if that applies)
I have a position of several single stock size in JFS.UN, but I am getting bored with it (yes, I know how that sounds). What is your opinion of it and should it be sold to take advantage of better opportunities. What stocks or etfs funds would you recommend to replace it?
My current energy or close to energy holdings are WCP, Crius, BEP.UN, IPL and FTS. Is energy close to a bottom and what might you add in energy? Would Sprott energy fund or NRGY.UN be a good choice or some other single stocks or funds?
(I realize this is kind of 2 questions... but part of a partial rebalance, so you can take 2 credits if that applies)
Q: Over the past 2 years I've invested 10% of my (registered) portfolio in JFS.UN. I saw it as an alternative/hedge style of investment. It seems to be just treading water over the past year. In your opinion:
-Should I consider reducing my position?
-Does it make sense to even have this in a registered fund?
-Is distribution only intended for non-registered funds?
-I contacted First Asset about the distribution and the advisor didn't really answer my questions.
Many thanks
-Should I consider reducing my position?
-Does it make sense to even have this in a registered fund?
-Is distribution only intended for non-registered funds?
-I contacted First Asset about the distribution and the advisor didn't really answer my questions.
Many thanks