Q: Another loser in my RRSP thanks to lack of pipelines. Dump or hold on?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Do you think this stock has formed a bottom ?? Revenue per room seems to be on a modest uptrend and financial support from Morguard seems to have provided some stability. What is your take ?
Q: Is there any reason for a common shareholder to hang on to this beaten down stock, or should
I take my lumps and move on?
I take my lumps and move on?
Q: I purchased the series E convertible debentures in April, 2017 assuming that they would mature September 30, 2017. They are in my children's RESP. It was going to pay for their tuition this semester. As you know they have made a proposal to extend the maturity date to September 30, 2020. It is in my best interests to receive the funds on September 30, 2017. I will likely vote no to the change. Do you think the debenture holders will still receive their funds if the motion does not pass?
Q: Could you comment please on the proposal to amend the 7.25 Series E Convertible Debentures?
Bob Rose
Bob Rose
Q: I have cash in my children's RESP which I will withdraw in September. TPH.DB.E, a convertible debenture is maturing on September30, about the time I need to do the withdrawal.It is yielding over 7% (3.5% for 6 months) much better than other 6 month returns. Now that Morguard is the majority owner do you think this provides more safety making it more likely that the debenture will be paid out at face value at maturity. Does the company have adequate resources to mature the debenture?
Q: I own these 2 stocks in my RRSP. Both got clobbered due to their concentration in Alberta, and both eliminated their dividends. Is there any realistic hope of recovery or should I cut and run?
Q: With the price of oil at a somewhat higher and firmer level, and anticipating a fully subscribed rights offering (given the price of common is above rights price), is Temple Hotels worth picking up here? Thanks for you for your insights, and have a great weekend.
Q: In the past, Morguard has increased its position in Temple during the latter's rights offerings. The announced purpose of the offering is to redeem a debenture, but is this the point at which Morguard takes control? If it doesn't, does that tell us anything?
Q: if you were a Temple shareholder would you participate in the rights offering currently offered .
Q: Can I get your thoughts on Temple's recently announced rights offering. What would be the company's rationale for doing so and what is the impact on existing shareholders?
Q: Temple has had a tough ride this past year,however I understand Morguard is now a significant shareholder. Do you have any view on the prospects for Temple from this approx. 80 cent price level?
Q: Temple Hotels has announced a strategic review. Given Morguard's substantial interest in Temple, does the fact of the review suggest that Morguard is not interested in taking majority control of Temple's properties (as the extent of their ownership suggested)?
Q: As a follow-up question to yesterday, when you suggested TPH ... What could be the possible effect of the Fort McMurray properties to this stock? Out of a total 13 properties in Alberta, I note that 8 of them are situated in Fort Mac.
Q: Could you please give me your opinion of Temple Hotels Inc please
Protech Home Medical Corp. (PTQ)
Strathcona Resources Ltd. (SCR)
D-Box Technologies Inc. Class A Common Shares (DBO)
Temple Hotels Inc. (TPH)
Q: I think I'm ready to throw in the towel on PHM and SCR, being down 54% and 42.5%, respectively. I've been doing the Lazarus Watch on them, but I'm ready to concede these will not be coming back from the dead any time soon.
In that vein, I was thinking of replacing them with beaten up oil/energy stocks, that are more likely to recover than either of these. Some thoughts are: Cequence, Rock Energy, Pine Cliff and Cathedral. What are your thoughts on your favourite one of these, assuming I'm in a fugue state and believe in oil recovery? : )
Alternatively, could you recommend a stock, in any sector, with some good trading potential, with a stock price of under $1?
I know this goes against 5 I methods, and for what it's worth, this is not my usual M.O. I normally follow solid 5 I principles, and have made some very nice returns. (thanks for that!). Rather, this is my Mad Money Recovery Mode -- and wanted to exchange, roughly, share count and dollar value. (I think we all have a tiny "gambling gene" in all of us, otherwise we would never go near the Market, with our hard earned cash.)
If you think PHM or SCR are worth holding onto, on the other hand, I would value your opinion. (I do tend to hold onto to things for the longer term if there is hope of probable recovery.)
In that vein, I was thinking of replacing them with beaten up oil/energy stocks, that are more likely to recover than either of these. Some thoughts are: Cequence, Rock Energy, Pine Cliff and Cathedral. What are your thoughts on your favourite one of these, assuming I'm in a fugue state and believe in oil recovery? : )
Alternatively, could you recommend a stock, in any sector, with some good trading potential, with a stock price of under $1?
I know this goes against 5 I methods, and for what it's worth, this is not my usual M.O. I normally follow solid 5 I principles, and have made some very nice returns. (thanks for that!). Rather, this is my Mad Money Recovery Mode -- and wanted to exchange, roughly, share count and dollar value. (I think we all have a tiny "gambling gene" in all of us, otherwise we would never go near the Market, with our hard earned cash.)
If you think PHM or SCR are worth holding onto, on the other hand, I would value your opinion. (I do tend to hold onto to things for the longer term if there is hope of probable recovery.)