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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Rob Tattersall wrote a recent article in the G&M in which he stated that Titan Logix's MC is essentially equivalent to its cash on hand plus the value of its holdings of Bri-Chem. So in essence, if you purchase the shares, you are getting their technology for free.

I would appreciate your views.
Read Answer Asked by karl on November 28, 2022
Q: Titan Logix (TSXV: TLA) just reported fiscal 2012 results with significant revenue growth and earnings: $0.14 EPS. The Company also has a very strong balance sheet with plenty of cash and no debt. Management's outlook for 2013 was "cautiously optimistic" but the stock traded down to less than 5 times earnings. Am I missing somthing?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on November 28, 2012