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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking to raise some cash - what 1 or perhaps 2 of the above stocks would be most suitable?
Thanks once again
Read Answer Asked by Ray on June 21, 2019
Q: I like TOY but am concerned about the following:
1) How vulnerable is TOY's business to low price "knock-offs" being marketed as TOY brands through on-line channels like Amazon, Alibaba, etc.?
2) Do retailers like Amazon & Walmart have the technology to restrict this type of thing, or would they unknowingly be expediting it (and benefitting from it)?
3) How effective is legal action initiated by a company like TOY in defending its intellectual property?
4) Is this vulnerability a "deal breaker" in deciding NOT to buy TOY?
Thank you for your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Edward on June 14, 2019
Q: I'm considering cutting a loser to invest in something new that has some growth. SIS, PBH, and TOY have been poor performers for me for a while now and have been dragging down my returns. If I thought the issues were temporary for all 3 of them I would hold and wait it out but I've found each of them has been less than impressive. SIS with the equity raises and mgmt that I'm losing faith in, PBH with a million excuses as to why each quarter has negative surprises (weather, swine flu, minimum wage,etc), and TOY with disappointing numbers that seem to be getting worse with no real catalyst to get back to growth (Toysrus overhang, diminishing sales in their top sellers that are getting stale, no replacement "home run" product to turn things around. These 3 seem to no longer be growth stocks, do you think I should cut any of the three or give them some more time?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on May 15, 2019
Q: I own the above companies with the following corresponding weighting:
2.6%;1.3%;2.2%;2.5%;2.7%;2.2%. I am looking at the possibility of doing some consolidating - what are your thoughts on consolidating? If I consolidate - what 1 or possibly 2 companies would you eliminate and what 1 or 2 companies would you add to?
Use as many of my questions as you need and thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Ray on May 14, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,
Can you recommend a good time to complete a tax loss sell on the following securities: TSGI, TV, TOY, GC. Will be buying back in either TFSA or RRSP in 30 days (If one security does not need to be rebought please feel free to comment).

Read Answer Asked by Dean on May 14, 2019
Q: Hello 5i,
I’ve held Toy for a few years. When Toysrus hit last year many of us wrote in expressing concerns about the impact on the company questioning the growth prospects for spinmaster. It seems that management underestimated the impact because it keeps coming up in conference calls. As much as I’d rather not ask this question: should we question the skill of management to manage through this shift in landscape?

I held on to Ebix. Can you comment on earnings and offer an opinion in relative risk between it and CRM( on watch list but no position yet). For a long term hold which would be a better hold throug a market correction?

I’m underwater on sq and want to average down. Should I wait for a better opportunity to bring weighting to 2%? I know 5i is not thrilled at timing questions but how do tech stocks perform over the summer?

Please deduct three questions.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Kat on May 13, 2019
Q: Hi Peter/Ryan
I am buy & hold investor. With quarterly results out for couple of mentioned companies, do you think any of these stocks don't fit in that category anymore irrespective of sector or there are better ones ?

Read Answer Asked by S on May 10, 2019
Q: I need to sell some of my consumer cyclicals for portfolio balancing
In what order would you suggest I sell them in and why.
Is there one that is not on this list that I should be holding?
Read Answer Asked by Marco on May 09, 2019
Q: Please explain the price surge of Atlassian corp today May 8.
Please comment on the earning release of Spin Master, what should investors do ? Is Zoom Video Communication a buy now with the big price increase after IPO ? What is the reasonable entry point ? Thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Lai Kuen on May 09, 2019