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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am interested in buying an ETF that would cover the S&P 500 index. From looking at previous questions, I see 2 that are talked about, namely VFV and VSP. I was planning on buying VSP but I find the volume is very low compared to VFV and also VSP is CAN hedged(which I don't quite understand).

Can you give me a brief idea of the difference between the 2 and which would be the best to purchase long term?

Or are there other S@P 500 ETFs that you would suggest with a pretty good dividend?

Thank You,
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on October 20, 2016
Q: Hi 5i, I have been slowly adding to my portfolio. So far it is all held in a TFSA with long term in mind. The listed companies are the current holdings (I don't know weighted percents off hand). Can you please recommend maybe 2-3 other companies or funds that would help to round out my portfolio? I plan to make regular contributions for the long term. All available DRIP's are being utilized as well to further growth. Do you see any current major issues with the current holdings?

Thanks 5i! Keep up the great work, you're much appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by david on June 06, 2016
Q: Hi,
Im a young, passive investor. Im looking for long term strong TFSA growth to eventually convert into TFSA retirement income. I am new to investing and don't really have a grasp on all the concepts yet.
Can you offer an opinion/advice/education on the pros and cons of investing in ETFs that are Canadian dollar hedged vs. non. Which you you recommend for long term consistent and strong growth.? The two listed are what Im thinking for gaining some US exposure, unless you are able to recommend something better?

Read Answer Asked by david on May 13, 2016