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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter,
For non registered accounts, please advise your best picks for European Equity ETFs that have ample room for growth and can withstand this volatile market. Dividends are not important. I also look for Asia ETFs that have a high percentage of holdings in China and to a lesser degree in South Korea. Please advise of your best picks. Brief explanation of reasoning for these picks is appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on March 19, 2025
Q: Could you please tell me your top suggestions for low cost diversified index funds in non US markets?
Read Answer Asked by Judith on March 17, 2025
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm looking for an ETF that would be similar to VE, to invest in Europe, that I could purchase with US funds in an RRSP. I would like the dividend/payout to be at least as high as VE. I might even prefer an ETF with top quality companies in Europe (e.g., top 50, or 100) with a tilt towards industrials/consumer disc/staples, if something like that exists with a decent payout? I'm already overweight in financials and US tech.

I'd appreciate any ideas you might have.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Lisa on February 26, 2025
Q: Good afternoon, Please recommend your 3 favourite international equity ETFs (without US holdings) and your 3 favourite US market ETFs. I already own QQQ which represents approx. 10% of my RRSP (in US dollars). Further, what are your thoughts on investing in the US market in US dollars (converted using Norbert Gambit) vs. Cnd. dollars? Is there an approach which has generated better results? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by bernie on June 07, 2024
Q: ETF questions
1. When we look at charts or reports about the performance of an ETF, does the return include dividends received and net of all fees? For example. The TSX composite had an annualized return of about 5% over the past 10 years but it also pays a dividend of approximately 3%. Is the annualized return a total of 5% (as dividends are included in this figure and are re-invested) or is it about 8%.
2. To minimize duplication, which ETF (orETFs) would you suggest for international exposure if an S&P ETF is already planned for (or does it suffice to have US and Canadian ETF exposure as they are quite broad and many US companies already have international exposure).
Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on December 22, 2023
Q: From a global perspective would you favor European, US or international stocks/EFTs to invest at this time ? I would like to diversify my portfolio a little better and therefore sell some Canadian ETFs and purchase European, US and international ETFs .
Thank you . Miroslaw
Read Answer Asked by Miroslaw on August 18, 2023
Q: When lookking at the ROI over 3-5-10 years. The S&P has always done better than the others. When looking at the strength of their economy and the investment that US companies put in R&D how are they gonna loose their 1st position as a super economy power? and foremost and this is the question: Why invest elsewhere? Canada with merely 5% of the world economy? Europe has been lagging since I started investing 40 years ago where else? China? gotta be kidding. Seriously why spread our investments worldwide when the best is our neibours? Just buy the S&P and wait still forever.


Read Answer Asked by Yves on June 26, 2023
Q: What ETF's do you recommend for dividends and growth for:
1. Canadian coverage
2. US coverage but in $CAD.
3. Europe coverage but in $CAD
4. Asia coverage but in $CAD
Read Answer Asked by Ron on June 05, 2023
Q: TFSA top up for 2023, Hold BNS and etf in the account. Bet on a stronger europe recovery or tried and true CAD bank. Yes yes apples and oranges etc. But what is your guess apples or oranges for the recovery....fusion of income and balanced portfolio follower. 3-5 yr hold.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 04, 2023