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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I need to expand my international exposure and would be holding the ETF in a non-registered account.

What are your top 2 international ETFs (ex-north america?).
What do you think of VIU?

(Note I tried sending this in previously but not sure it went through so resubmitting)
Read Answer Asked by Simon on September 26, 2024
Q: VI and VEF have been suggested as Canadain dollar alternatives to VXUS. Both VI and VEF are hedged to the Canadian dollar. Is it better to be hedged or unhedged to the Canadian dollar? I was considering VIU which I believe is the unheadged version of VI.

Read Answer Asked by J Stephen on August 12, 2024
Q: I hold these ETFs in both TFSA and RIFF accounts. Every month activity shows dividend in and out with 0$ net result . Tried to get an explanation from the discount broker but no help. Can you illuminate for me why the activity is shown that way?
Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by steve on March 30, 2023
Q: I am looking for an Asset Allocation Growth ETF with exposure to all geographical areas. Something similar to VEQT but less USA and more International . 20 year time horizon and held in my non-registered cash account
Read Answer Asked by darcy on March 30, 2021
Q: Helping my son with his investments which are as follows: MAW 106 24%,MAW 106 20%. VUS 21%, VEF 18%, VEE 8%, ZJG 6% and XQQ 3%.Feeling there is a bit of an overlap with some of these investments eg XQQ and VUS also with MAW 150 and VEF to a degree. Any advice is welcome ,stay as is , reduce holdings or increase some..He prefers ETF's and Mutual Funds (Mawer) and is a bit risk adverse but does realize markets go up and down though and is young( mid 30's ) enough to handle declines. ! Thanks.Paul
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 11, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan,
I am looking to take advantage from the current market dip and add the the above securities and ETF to my RRSP Portfolio. My time frame is 5 to 10 years. with adding the above I will be having all the 5i balanced portfolio stocks included. In addition I am adding some ETF and other stock that I think it can help my portfolio. Appreciate you advise of which stock look good at this time to buy (please rank). Is there any of the list I should avoid. Do you have other suggestions for good quality stocks and ETF (in the US and Canada) that have a good growth potential.
Read Answer Asked by Yousef on March 11, 2020
Q: Hi, I am 42 and just signed up for your portfolio analysis service. One of the key gaps noted was an over-sized focus on Canadian equities and etfs, and particularly a gap in sufficient international investments.
With a 20+ investment horizon for an existing rrsp portfolio, could you suggest some holdings to build a better international base? I already use Both general and thematic etfs but would be happy to add some more targeted stocks of ideas as well.

Thanks so much

Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 26, 2020
Q: Awhile back you suggested the following percentages for my son's investments.IIP.UN 23%,VUS 16%,VEF 16%,VEE 10%,MAW 106 20%,MAW 150 15%.Just wondering if these percentages are still valid?If so fine, if not do you have other suggestions?Thanks.Paul
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 24, 2020
Q: I am looking for ideas for 3 ETFs (to complement an existing portfolio):
(a) small cap equities (preferably, global; if not, then US-focused);
(b) global equities, ex-U.S.
(c) emerging markets.
This is for a LIRA account. I'd like all 3 ETFs to be non-hedged, in Canadian dollars, to be Canadian situs (ideally), and not to have 15% withholding on distributions. I think "VEE" might meet all of these criteria for an emerging markets fund (am not sure).
Read Answer Asked by Ted on July 29, 2019
Q: I hold both VEE and VEF in a Cdn dollar trading account,; given that we are unlikely to see any substantial appreciation in the Cdn $$ for a while, is that a duplication, and if so, would it make more sense to just keep the unhedged version?
Read Answer Asked by steve on April 29, 2019
Q: For international developed equity I own VEF and the asset allocator is suggesting VIU. Is there enough of a difference between these two for me to switch?
Read Answer Asked by Carla on April 02, 2019
Q: Hi,
I’m looking at a long term (30 year) rrsp portfolio. What do you think of making it up of these 4 etfs? Do you think long term it’s better to have the hedged or unhedged versions (where applicable)? I’m thinking 25%vfv, 25%vef, 20%xqq and 20%vdy. Then 10% in cash for buying dips when I see them. I’ll also be using any drips (even proxy drips if needed) as well as adding new funds every 3-6 months and rebalancing annually (unless there’s some major movement before that). Do you see any areas that are too redundant or underrepresented?

Read Answer Asked by david on February 08, 2019
Q: I would like to diversify my portfolio with a non US International Equity Fund. I have been considering the Mawer International Equity Fund, but am leery of their MER. What are your thoughts and possible options?
Read Answer Asked by Guy on March 04, 2018
Q: Please give me your opinion of the Manulife Mutifactor ETFs, sub-advised by Dimensional Fund Advisors. Which would you recommend among the Manulife Mutlifactor Int'l Equity ETF (MINT), HXDM, HADM or other International Equity ETF in a taxable account?
Read Answer Asked by Gerard on February 14, 2018
Q: I recently asked a question asking for guidance regarding the need to buy an ETF that would give me exposure to the world outside of the United States. You suggested VXUS but it has to be purchased in U.S. dollars. Is there a similar product I can buy in Can. $?
Also, if I were to buy VXUS, what kind of exposure would I be getting? i.e. how much exposure to the different areas of the world? Asia? Europe? Other areas?
Again, how exceptional I can access your guidance this way. Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Les on January 24, 2018
Q: Hi 5i,
I would like to have international exposure with a time horizon of 5 years. Would you use an indexed- CAD hedged ETF? or not?
Would you please give me your opinion on VEF, VI and VVO ?
Read Answer Asked by Lizette on November 01, 2017