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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good afternoon,
The analytics indicated that I needed to increase my international exposure by 31%. I'm sitting on some cash that I hadn't decided what to do with. I assume it makes sense to add international ETF's. The ETF recommendations from analytics included the VEE and VIU. I currently hold a small amount of the VEE and the VXUS. I'll add to the VEE. Which do you prefer the VXUS or VIU or should I just add to both with having so little exposure outside of North America?
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on April 11, 2019
Q: My international allocation currently resides with VI and VIU. What are the downsides of switching these two for VIDY for more yield?
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 10, 2019
Q: For international developed equity I own VEF and the asset allocator is suggesting VIU. Is there enough of a difference between these two for me to switch?
Read Answer Asked by Carla on April 02, 2019
Q: Hi, In order to increase my international exposure, I am considering VIU. But I was wondering if there are any equivalent of IWO for international exposure (i.e. a more aggressive small/midcap international exposure), a low cost mutual fund may be an option as well. Thanks.


Read Answer Asked by Shyam on April 02, 2019
Q: I purchased these ETF's a little over a year ago as my first outside of North America holdings. Just wondering what your thoughts are about these. I do have a long time frame.
Read Answer Asked by stephen on February 06, 2019
Q: Hello 5i Team
A general question on ETFs.
Have you come across a table correlating the Vanguard Canada ETF and the Vanguard US ETF.
Specifically, I cannot determine if VIU (Vanguard Canada ETF trading on TSX in C$) has an equivalent Vanguard US (trading on the NYSE in US$) ETF.
Expanding this question, have you seen a table correlating all companies (IShares, Vanguard etc.) Canadian ETFs against their US counterparts.
Thanks in advance for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 07, 2018
Q: Good morning 5i
Thank you for the new website. Its great.
I bought VXUS... thank you. I am well diversified with equities and will have some Canadian dollars to spend after I shave some of my winners (which there are many..thank you) in my RRIF. What would you suggest in the form of an ETF? Europe? Japan UK Australia??? etc??? VXUS being international may cause an overlap but perhaps there is one area that you are particularily in favour of?? Do you expect more growth in the near to medium term (3 to 5 years) in any of these areas? Or should I plan this as a long term (5 to 10 year) investment. Thank you for your timely and priceless answers.
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on November 22, 2017
Q: Hi,

I'm currently only holding XEF(1.5%) and VEE(1%) for international and EM exposure. I'm looking to increase it a bit more maybe to 5%, as the rest of my portfolio is in US or CAD equities. I know you have talked about VXUS as a good international ETF to hold and the expense ratio of 0.11% is hard to beat. When I look at the regional allocation for VXUS, 19.3% is EM, so if we just hold that, would we even need to hold VEE? What do you think would be best to hold to have international and EM exposure? How about VI and VIU (exposure excl. North America)?

Was looking at one or two good quality ETF's to hold. Your thoughts on how they compare?

Read Answer Asked by Keith on May 23, 2017