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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good Day All,

I hold the above in an income oriented portfolio. Looking to allocate more money to tech if I can find anything that meets the criteria of a reasonably secure dividend with a minimum 4% yield, on a Cdn exchange. Tough to find in this sector but thought I would ask for any suggestions you may have. I could also just add to the above if you can find nothing better.

Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 27, 2022
Q: I have an unregistered account which we use to generate long term dividend income. There are currently 9 holdings in the red, and 9 still in the black.
I am debating whether or not to sell some of the losers to capture capital losses. Then, in 30 days reasses - either repurchase same or redirect cash elsewhere.
In order of biggest to smallest loser, based on $:

In general, I'm quite happy with the performance of this account in this declining market environment. Although the capital has declined a bit, the income stream has been quite stable.

Question 1: Please comment on the merit of this idea. Lose one or two dividend payments now for sure versus banking a loss for future tax benefit sometime. (retired, no earned income)

Question 2: Would you consider any of the 9 names above unsuitable for this account?

Question 3: Which of these 9 names are most likely to have further to fall?

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 25, 2022
Q: hi 5i. I usually like to sell in times like these, to lock in the capital loss. I pair trade immediately after the sell, to stay invested, usually. the list is of my losers right now. are there any on the list you would not sell now and pair trade? and, can you provide a recommendation for each for another stock to pair trade with ( I am thinking hut8 for hive, perhaps nuvei for something? dsg for something? or maybe one name can replace 1 or more of the names. I would then most likely buy back the stocks I sold after the month of waiting is over, to lock in the losses. your thoughts/expertise is always appreciated. cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on May 13, 2022
Q: Hello 5i

You are often asked if you could provide 2-3 "bargains" from the various portfolios - could you, given the current environment, provide
- 2-3 from the balanced / Income portfolios
- 2-3 outside of the portfolios (either Canadian or US please)
That you would consider a good opportunity to pick up at this time.

Read Answer Asked by mike on May 10, 2022
Q: Hi team. I have ~$15k for my TFSA and was wondering about SYZ and FIE for tax free income. I’m down quite a bit with SYZ in other RSP accounts but was wondering if it might be an opportunity now while waiting for some growth in the future. FIE has been good to me and the coupon is roughly the same as SYZ. Hate to be a dividend chaser. Should I buy now or buy something else? Appreciate your thoughts. Bill
Read Answer Asked by William on May 09, 2022
Q: After taking a profit from an oil company you suggested last year (thank you!), I am looking to re-invest (outside of the commodity sectors) accepting higher risk for return. It's a registered account with 10 years before the money is needed. Of the companies listed which would you expect to have the most growth over 10 years?
Read Answer Asked by Danny on May 05, 2022
Q: I've read the Nov. 4, 2021 report and all questions since. Given premium to peers in Nov report and its more than 50% decline, taking into consideration price changes since Nov in peers (KXS, DSG, SYZ), would you say the case is stronger on a relative basis today to consider TCS for a buy? If you ranked the 4 today where would you put TCS and if it's in the 3 or 4 position, what particular weaknesses are causing you to rank it lower? Thanks for all you do. John
Read Answer Asked by John on May 03, 2022
Q: Hi Peter and 5i Team
Have held ENGH for several years in a LIF. I like the dividend of SYZ for income and am considering switching mainly for the dividend. I believe you rate ENGH higher than SYZ but like them both. Which do you think will make a better recovery? Is this a reasonable move?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 29, 2022
Q: Syz.,what is happening here?This company is totally out of favor.
What is the market telling us?
They aren't earning enough to pay the dividend.And really, why is a growth company even paying a dividend? That doesn't make much sense.
Please can you shine some light on this.As well as Cliq,what is the story here?Its very confusing to me
Read Answer Asked by Josh on March 28, 2022
Q: Hello,
I would like to rebalance my technology exposure.
You mentioned putting in stink bids to pick up bargains.
Could you tell me what you suggest for stink bids on SHOP, LSPD, TOI and SYZ.

Thank you very much
Read Answer Asked by Josette on March 10, 2022