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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i
As a value investor, SYZ is sold with a loss. PepsiCo, bought a while ago has an increase by the same amount as the loss. The dividend is 2.6%. If I sell Pepsico what suggestions would there be to replace these that have a signficant dividend? I am a 77 year old value investor with a ten year time frame with stocks and 16 ETF's in all 11 sectors, 6 ETF's of which are covered call. Any suggestions as to this strategy would be appreciated. Please take as many credits as required.
Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on November 21, 2022
Q: Hi, Hope you are able to provide your opinion on this company, after the CC and reviewing today's price action with about 20% drop on large volume. We have owned this stock for income for several years even with poor performance, lately, but liquidated half of our holding at the open today, with a small loss. ( at least capital loss can be harvested). Is there any rationale to continue to own the company, for Growth and if so, what is the level of your conviction with management's plan ? Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on November 21, 2022
Q: I am a 60+ retired income investor,

I consider the above noted equities to be my riskiest holdings.

About 1,000 each - mostly in my cash account.

I understand SYZ reduced its dividend today and of course the issues with AQN.

Still up on AQN. Underwater on all the rest.

Looking for some advice - sell or hold by holding?

And of course any general comments would be appreciated.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 18, 2022
Q: Hello, I sold SYZ a month ago for tax-loss purposes. I thought I would buy it back if the share price was below what I sold it for (it is). I hesitate to buy it because I worry the co will cut its dividend to fund growth and/or reduce debt, which would hurt the share price quite a bit. Should I wait until the 3rd quarter reporting in November in the hope that the co will be clearer on its intent to keep the div as is? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on October 13, 2022
Q: I have taken a look at my distribution of investments, and determined that I have more room to enter an additional position in the technology space. I was gung-ho on starting a position with Google, until I discovered that Sylogist is currently paying a 6.86% dividend (as of yesterday's closing share price). I currently lean towards investing in more established companies that have been able to maintain market share in their area of operation, and Google definitely fits that description. Would the dividend offer by Sylogist, along with the potential upside, be a more prudent investment with someone who has a five-year time horizon, or is the steady-as-it-goes approach with Google the safer approach? As always, I look forward to your comments and insight. Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on August 17, 2022
Q: Ignoring company size and sector diversification, can you please rank these stocks on a best to worst risk / reward basis for long term hold. I own them all in various accounts with a half position or less so my plan would be to let some go and increase position in others with better potential. Any of them you consider good buy at the moment? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on August 12, 2022