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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I presently have Cdn cash in a savings account @ 1.95. I will not require these funds for at least 5 years. Can you suggest a strategy to increase rate of return, not taxed as interest, low fees and minimal risk. Please rate the above funds. Any other suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on July 02, 2019
Q: I presently have U.S. cash in a savings account with no returns to speak of. Do not require this cash for at least 5 years. This cash represents the cash/fixed income of my portfolio. Would it be wise to invest in PSU.U or is there another choice available? Have you heard of BIL?
What is the rate of return, fees and risk of these funds?
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on July 02, 2019
Q: Could you recommend an ETF that trades in Canada with Canadian funds that.
A. Invests in US savings accounts and pays some interest
B. Is unhedged
Would this be an effective way to play a possible drop in the Canadian dollar. Is there another way that this could be achieved without the cost of converting dollars?
Read Answer Asked by William on April 26, 2017