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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking to invest in these 4 names for my father after he sold his house. He is 92 so I would like something as 'risk-free' as possible, just income needed. Thinking 100k for each, just wondering about any risks involved aside from interest rate risk and inflation risk.
Read Answer Asked by scott on February 11, 2025
Q: Hi group want to park some $ in high interest saving account I have 2 question's )

- How is the return calculated ( as an example PSA pays out dividend monthly monthly does that mean if i cash out in the middle of the month that i do not get a pro rated amount based on my balance. Could you explain how that works. is it a daily calculation payable at the end of the month or what.

- if i buy a US high interest account would that be a benefit for a higher return compared to buying a high interest Cad saving acct.

- could you provide some actual comparisons using real returns and currency numbers

thanks for your help with this.
Read Answer Asked by Terence on February 03, 2025
Q: Good afternoon,

I have around 18k in my FHSA currently all cash, I'm looking for some investment options to allocate that cash to but not sure of the best practice. I'm looking at purchasing my 1st home in 8-12 months. Would it be best to invest the 18k in different ETFs? Should I allocate 1/3, 1/3, 1/3? What would you recommend as diversification as well as some ETF's you think would be appropriate for my current situation.

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on January 15, 2025
Q: Is there a cash holding to invest in that is not locked into a term (like a GIC but with no term), so, with full liquidity? I'm thinking of a high-interest type account within an RRSP so I can go to cash a few months in advance of need for the cash, but still incur interest on the cash as I wait to make a monthly withdrawal. I invest with RBC Direct Investing in case that's helpful - perhaps there is an RBC product that suits my needs.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on December 09, 2024
Q: Hello
My GIC has just matured in my RRSP. The rates are low now and was thinking of putting the money in either of the above two ETFs which have a higher yield.
MNY has a higher interest but higher MER but better return overall however seems riskier then CASH. What would your suggestion be, would you have another favorite or would you invest in some other "safe" income instrument in the RRSP, ie ENB?

Read Answer Asked by JEFF on December 03, 2024
Q: Hello, I have $500,000 GIC coming due next month and another $500,000 in March. They both are earning a little over 5%. What safe investment would you recommend, bearing in mind that I need the income it would generate to cover some of my living expenses, as I am retired. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on November 28, 2024
Q: I am concerned about the possibility of a bear market and would like to reduce my equity risk. I am looking for a safe investment which is highly liquid. I am in the process of considering cashable GICs. Are there any ETFs which you would recommend for money market funds? Can you please recommend an ETF for the Canadian market and one ETF for the US market.

Also, for a 1-2 year hold, what type of bond ETF would you recommend (long bond, mid-term, etc) for a fairly safe investment? Again, can you please recommend one Canadian and one US ETF.

Thank you again for this excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on November 25, 2024
Q: I am concerned about the height of the stock markets and am in the process of reducing my equity holdings. If there is a correction or bear market next year, then I would want to be able to invest again at some point.

With the cash that becomes available from the sale of equities, what would you recommend as an investment? I am looking for something that is extremely safe, can be sold at any time (which eliminates a GIC for consideration) and gives me a bit of yield/gain. Are there any ETFs which fit this bill?

Thank you for this wonderful service.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on November 21, 2024
Q: I have sold the above two companies, half of BYD and all of ATS. The purpse was to raise cash and put it into a high interest Canadian dollar savings ETF to wait out the first part of the Trump presidential version Nu. two.

Do you have an ETF that you recommend or maybe another suggestion?
Read Answer Asked by Cathy on November 13, 2024
Q: Can you suggest CDN and US dollar etfs to own for interest instead of just holding cash in non-registered and registered (TFSA, RSP) accounts? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on November 06, 2024
Q: Hello,
I'm looking for a way to park some money for one-year to pay down part of my mortgage after that. What are some low risk options to maintain liquidity if I need to use the funds for some emergency?
Thanks for your help!
Read Answer Asked by Madhur on November 06, 2024
Q: Lots of good Q&A lately on parking short term cash.

I have $100K to invest. Are one of these more suitable than the others for quickly withdrawing an amount as required when I want to purchase stocks or equity ETF's?

Would you feel comfortable putting the whole amount in any one of these, or is it best to diversify a bit?

Do you have a recommended USD version(s) for my USD account ?
Read Answer Asked by James on October 18, 2024
Q: Good morning, I have $200,000.00 in a taxable account and am looking for a temporary safe place to invest it in for a period of 6 to 8 months, hoping to generate some yield.
Do you have any suggestions?
Kindly advise & Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Sergio on October 16, 2024
Q: Hi,
I'm looking to park some Cdn funds in a high interest savings ETF, and use TD as my bank. I found HISA, but don't know anything about the .NE exchange - if you could enlighten me on that - and let me know if there are better products that this, I would appreciate it!
Thanks for all your consistently great advice!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on October 15, 2024