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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi
I am looking to add a bond etf to my portfolio. I am looking for something with a reasonable yield, that is defensive with some possible growth opportunities. Could you recommend the one that fits that those criterion or if you have a better choice, I would appreciate it. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on November 07, 2019
Q: Working on the fixed income portion of my portfolio, thinking of the above plus IYLD all at 4.24% except ZAG at 6.36%.
Retired and looking for income, do I need to increase, decrease or eliminate any, or add something better?
Would all of these be best in RRSP?
Read Answer Asked by Yvonne on November 07, 2019
Q: I would appreciate your help in simplifying my RRIF fixed income portfolio. I am retired at 73, with about 55/45 equity/income split.primary aim is income and capital preservation. I hold positions in zag 10%, xsh 9%, clf 5%, pmif 5%, tlt 5%, xlb 3%, Xhy 2.5%, srln 2.5%, rbf 1340 4%, mdl240 23% and (sadly) preferreds HPR 3% vrp (US) 1.5% .the rest is cash type investments. I would like to switch the canadian PFD to all US: switch xlb for more TLT. I am gradually decreasing mdl240 which has to be withdrawn overtime for another more flexible short duration ETF. Keeping either xhy or srln which ever you feel would improve the porfolio. I would appreciate your thoughts of these etfs, and percentage allotments to them If there are better choices please share your insight. Please use the number of credits appropriate. Thanks very much Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on November 07, 2019
Q: If I was to invest $400,000.00 into an all bond portfolio, could you suggest what bond securities you would invest the money? Thanks, Bill
Read Answer Asked by William J on October 07, 2019
Q: My question involves whether to sell Xhy to buy more bkln making about 3% of my RRIF , as higher risk income. My understanding is that senior loans are less risky should the economy slow but still provide a good dividend. Is ther an alternative senior bond etf which you would prefer?
Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on September 13, 2019
Q: Please rate these as BUY; HOLD; or IGNORE. My purpose, of course, is market down turn protection.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 26, 2019
Q: whats are your top 5 income etfs hedged Canadian Thanks Barry
Read Answer Asked by BARRY on August 14, 2019
Q: I am looking to buy fixed income funds in my corporate account. What would be your top picks of the ones listed? What are the rate of return - fees? Thank you for your website.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on July 02, 2019
Q: At this point in time with unlikely rising interest rates does it make sense to purchase XHY in preference to HYGH. or would it be safer to purchase TLT, despite a lower yield, as I would expect junk bonds to do poorly with a slowing economy
Read Answer Asked by Tom on June 28, 2019
Q: Hello 5i,
for my grandchildren ages 7 and 10 with $26,336 invested for them: 20% in LSPD, 20% MCR 30% XDY and 30% XHY for somegrowth and some income. Would this mix and distribution be considered appropriate for them and if not could you suggest an appropriate one?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on June 13, 2019
Q: Hello, my question is about CVD, CBO, CPD and XHY. I know you like these ETFs for income, and most of them are in the Income Portfolio. When one looks at their 5-year chart, one can see a downward trend for all of them. What will it take to change that to an upward trend? Would you invest in these ETFs today? Regarding XHY, the Fact Sheet says “Exposure to a broad range of U.S. high yield, non-investment grade corporate bonds, based on market-value weighting”, does the low quality of these bonds bother you? Thanks, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on June 04, 2019
Q: Hello,

I am currently looking to increase my fixed income exposure by $70,000. I currently hold the above 4 Fixed income ETF's. Each one represents less than 5% of my overall portfolio. I am looking for growth. Your suggestions would be much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Mauro on April 25, 2019
Q: Hi Team,

Question about income etf's, i have roughly 225k invested. I am 50 years old and have always been an aggressive investor. Usually an 80%equity to 20%income. In which etf or etf's would you allocated the 20%

Read Answer Asked by Rino on April 22, 2019
Q: I have a non-registered a/c, a RRIF and a TFSA and would like to add fixed income investments to each using ETFs. I am looking at the above mentioned ETFs. Is there a general rule of thumb as to which type of income should go in to various accounts and would XHY and XPF be subject to withholding tax?
Read Answer Asked by Lloyd on April 16, 2019
Q: For the above I have the following percentages:
VSC - 2.5%
XBB - 3.3%
XHY - 2.0%
CPD - 1.0%

Next year I must convert to a RIF and was going to work toward lessening my equity portion and increase the portion paying reliable dividends.

What would you increase these holdings up to? Are there others I should consider? I currently have 24% in utilities and a small position of 2.8% in CDZ.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on April 16, 2019
Q: We have a diversified RIF and are now in our 70s . We have 6 ETFs and have $20,000.00 invested in VE. We have equities invested across all sectors some sectors a higher percentage than others. Do you feel it is necessary to have monies invested in Europe when we could obtain better income investing in possibly Bonds or preferred shares. Safety and Income are important now to us . Any recommendations.
Read Answer Asked by Sharon on March 22, 2019